Jörg Pilawa: I couldn’t go to my private island because of Corona … – People


Hamburg presenter Jörg Pilawa (55) bought a private island for 250,000 euros years ago. It is not in the Caribbean, but in Canada. But in 2020 he had to give up his vacation there.

“Unfortunately this year it didn’t work because of Corona. The notch is missing,” Pilawa said. He missed the peace and isolation on the rugged island without running water and electricity this year to make up for it. “We cut firewood there and collected rainwater. . Electricity is provided by the sun and there is a generator for emergencies. We live there in a very rudimentary way. You are very much in nature and with nature. But I need it simply because I move a lot in my work and something as elementary as nature does not occur “.

In dieser Gegend, Nova Scotia, darf der TV-Moderator 36 000 Quadratmeter Land sein Eigentum nennenPhoto: Hunt_Island_whole lake

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In this area, Nova Scotia, the television host can call 36,000 square feet of land on his property.Photo: Hunt_Island_whole lake

He also moved in the Corona year when the island was lost even to his older children, although there is no internet or cell phone reception there. “This is really a ritual for us that we completely miss this year.”

But Pilawa also emphasizes: “Of course I know that others are affected much worse by Corona!”

The island is an important retreat for him and very valuable for digital detox. “In the first two days we are physically withdrawn and we walk on this little island and seek reception.” And at the end of the holidays, after reading 1000 unread messages and 2000 lost posts, you can see that nothing is missing.

“My children’s brightest reaction is when they say after scanning: ‘Dad, nothing really happened!’ I always think it is good that they experience it once a year and that is missing this year. “

Pilawa is the third married and has four children. The small island, “you can be in a quarter of an hour”, is located in the Atlantic in eastern Canada. In 2009, when he bought the 36,000-square-meter island, he fulfilled a wish he had at 18 years old. “We have not regretted it until today. Canada is a matter of the heart. “
