Joko Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf: a pig named Paul in the race against RTL


Among other things, the pig named Paul could be seen inspecting the lower floors of a bookshelf with a grunt and exploring the halls of the renowned art gallery in the old church of St. Agnes in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Joko Winterscheidt spoke of an “incredibly brutal fight” by television stations for ratings. Klaas Heufer-Umlauf said that with the “Summer House of the Stars” RTL was betting on “Assis who spit and hit”. As an alternative, ProSieben now wants to show art and culture.

“And if you associate a cute little animal with art and culture, that should be the perfect alternative to RTL right now, and actually something you can offer viewers to earn points on ProSieben and participate in this tough battle,” he said. Heufer-Umlauf. “The Summer House of the Stars” is a reality show in which prominent lovers live in a kind of apartment shared with other celebrity couples.

Finally, socially relevant topics

In the past, the two moderators had addressed topics of social relevance during their broadcast time. Only last week they highlighted the situation at the EU’s external borders. In the mini-documentary “A Short Story Of Moria”, a migrant described the adverse conditions in which he arrived in Europe in the Mediterranean Sea and the unworthy conditions he encountered. The young man spoke of the catastrophic conditions at the Moria camp on the Greek island of Lesbos, which has since been destroyed in a fire.

RTL is not the first time the two moderators have targeted. In May, they used the airtime they had earned to broadcast a special live on RTL and comment on it. In doing so, they called themselves “probability multipliers.” The background of the “free” airtime is the program “Joko & Klaas versus ProSieben”, in which the two compete against their employer in various competitions and can win 15 minutes live in prime time. ProSieben announces that the broadcaster is unaware of the quarter-hour program, which the two hosts dubbed “Joko & Klaas live.”

Icon: The mirror
