Joko and Klaas use airtime for a serious topic, including dick photos


Last week they filmed the RTL program and broadcast it on ProSieben, this time it was much more serious with Joko and Klaas 15 minutes. The women shared their experiences of sexual violence.

In place of the TV moderators, Sophie Passmann, author and presenter, also appeared in the television image when the 15-minute show won by the moderation duo ProSieben began. “They both called me and said, ‘Sophie, we have an idea for a very special art show.’ I’d like to warn you that the theme of this show is more relevant than ever, but also really scary. But what you can see now it’s part of life ”, he opened his tour.

Joko and Klaas: Palina Rojinski presents Dickpics

The title of the exhibition: Male Worlds. And then, in the first room, I started right away. Palina Rojinski (presenter and actress) was waiting there and revealed a so-called dickpic (photo of a naked penis) that was sent to her without being asked. But that was far from everything. The images of the penis, which Rojinski and her friends sent her without asking, lined several walls throughout the exhibition. “It just happens. I can post a picture of my sneakers and they send it to me. I find it under the whole sow. I find it disturbing and I think it borders on virtual abuse,” said Rojinski. Sophie Passmann then pointed out that sending Dickpics is a crime. punishable.

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In the next room, Jeannine Michaelsen, who moderated Joko and Klaas’s “The Duel for the World”, waited and gave a ruthless view of the comments that are thrown at her regularly after appearing online. A selection of the nasty comments: “I think if you don’t have boobs, you don’t have to wear fucking pants,” “You can definitely blow up without hesitation,” “Jeannine can only moderate shows because they are afterwards must suck.”

Women are sexually harassed on the Internet, men are not

Hip hop journalist VisaVie and model Stefanie Giesinger, who subsequently enter the scene, are repeatedly sexually assaulted. “She shouldn’t always pretend to know about rap. She’s only hired for her boobs,” “The woman should hold her face and suck, so the video would be worth clicking after all,” “Did her breasts be amputated?” or did not have any from the beginning? “The comments have to endure.
Meanwhile, Sophie Passmann classifies and explains that an average of 16 out of 100 comments are sexist for influential women, but zero for men.

The following exhibition hall underscores that sexism affects not only people in public life and that women sometimes feel insecure not only on the way home or at parties. Here Kathrin Bauerfeind and Collien Ulmen-Fernandes conduct real chat conversations, which women have experienced, for example, when selling things on the Internet or as a result of harmless conversations. They all have sexist messages with no distance from men in common.

Women report sexual assault

A line of women waits in the next room, each reporting on the male sexual assault against them. From verbal harassment to physical assault, everything is included. The message: Almost the woman has already had her own experience with sexual violence. In fact, according to Passmann, every second woman in Germany has already experienced sexual harassment.

The action in the video.

Sophie Passmann: “We don’t have to accept this shit”

“Of course, everyone involved in this exhibition, including Joko and Klaas, is aware that this little vision of the reality of women will not change the world. Unfortunately, ‘Men’s Worlds’ is a permanent exhibition that cannot be limited to a few minutes of television and individual rooms, but continues during and after this show. In our daily lives, at work, on the subway or in the crown quarantine. We probably have to put up with this shit for a while, but we don’t have to accept it. We can tackle these problems, publicize them and show them, ”says Passmann in front of the last room.

Meanwhile, the campaign is very popular on the Internet: “Ugh. It was great, devastating and important at the same time, “he says. Or: “I’m a bit short on words, I can’t describe how good I think this topic is. Unfortunately, it affects many.”

The victim who blames the myth is clarified in the last room. Because often a question for raped women is: What were you wearing? As if that actually changed anything. The University of Kansas has collected clothing that women used to rape. They have now been exhibited at ProSieben in cooperation with the women’s rights organization Terre de Femmes under the title “What I was wearing”. To see: tops, plaid shorts, sandals, T-shirts, a long skirt, jeans, work clothes, pajamas: what you are wearing. (fkm)
