Johannes Laschet: SPD of North Rhine-Westphalia wants to check the role of Armin Laschet’s son in order for masks


A surprising contact between fashion manufacturer van Laack and the Düsseldorf State Chancellery sparked opposition interest in North Rhine-Westphalia: according to van Laack’s owner Christian von Daniels, the prime minister’s son, blogger from fashion Johannes »Joe« Laschet, had the door for you great thing with robes and masks open. The SPD parliamentary group detects “Influencer Marketing in the State Chancellery” and wants to know what it is exactly through a small investigation in the state parliament.

Van Laack, owner of Daniels, has been working with Johannes Laschet for years. “I told Joe that he can give his father my number if the country needs help getting masks,” von Daniels told the Rheinische Post.

SPD wants to verify commission for intermediation activities

Prime Minister Armin Laschet actually called on a Sunday night and said that Van Laack’s boss was running through the open doors. “Two days later, his employees were sitting with us in the conference room and looking at our masks and gowns,” von Daniels told the newspaper.

According to previous information from the Ministry of Health, the Mönchengladbach fashion manufacturer has delivered several million surgical gowns and masks to the country. The State Office responsible for the Central Police Services (LZPD) recently ordered 1.25 million masks daily for the police from van Laack.

The SPD parliamentary group asks in its small question: “How did Joe Laschet’s business relations with the fashion manufacturer Van Laack influence the award of contracts by the state government?” The opposition wants the state government to list all the orders that were received by the company.

Furthermore, the SPD asks what time has elapsed between Prime Minister Laschet’s phone call with Christian von Daniels, mentioned in the “Rheinische Post”, and the first award of the contract by the state government to van Laack. In addition, the SPD wants to know what other bidders there were and if there were “commissions for brokerage activities.”

Johannes Laschet did not respond to a request from the dpa news agency. He was previously known as his father’s fashion consultant. On a WDR broadcast last week, Armin Laschet said his son also gave him advice on how to cut suits, pants and shirts.

Icon: The mirror
