Joe Biden: “We are still facing a very dark winter”


United States Election Presentation of the Corona working group

Even before coming to power, Biden swore to America “dark winters”

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Joe Biden presents Corona Task Force

Even before taking office on January 20, Joe Biden is tackling what is probably the most pressing challenge in America: the crown crisis. He comments on this here.

The president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, has announced a decisive fight against the corona virus and the Americans have vowed difficult times. He made an urgent call on American citizens to wear a mask.

reUS President-designate Joe Biden introduced his Corona task force at a press conference on Monday. “We will do everything possible to contain this Covid pandemic,” emphasized Biden in his hometown of Wilmington in the state of Delaware. He created this crisis team so that his government could act immediately after taking office on January 20.

The news of the company’s promising vaccine study Biontech and Pfizer, which was announced on Monday, were positive. But Biden cautioned: Even if the vaccine is approved, it will be some time before it is available to everyone. “We are still facing a very dark winter,” he warned.

The pandemic is even further out of control in the United States, a country of around 330 million people. Authorities recently reported an average of around 100,000 new infections per day. According to data from Johns Hopkins University, there have been 9.9 million confirmed infections and more than 237,000 related deaths in the US since the pandemic began.

That’s Biden’s expert advice

It could be that 200,000 more people in the United States die of corona infection before the vaccine is available, Biden said. As additional measures in the fight against pandemics, he named the nationwide expansion of rapid tests, contact tracing and financial resources for small businesses. When a vaccine is available, it must be distributed fairly to all Americans.

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The new board of experts will get the top three from Vivek Murthy, David Kessler and Marcella Nunez-Smith. Murthy was the U.S. government’s director of health.From 2014 to 2017, Kessler previously led the FDA’s Food and Drug Administration, and Nunez-Smith is a professor at Yale University, where she conducts research on promoting the health of marginalized populations, among other things.

The panel has ten other members, many of whom have served for previous US governments. In his newly formed expert council on the crown crisis, he also included experts on international health issues “so that we can restore the global leadership role in the fight against this pandemic,” Biden stressed.

Biden announced a comprehensive plan to fight the crown in the United States. Protecting particularly vulnerable groups is a matter of priority. He named blacks, Latinos, and people of Asian descent who were more affected by the pandemic than others.

At the end there is a call to wear a mask.

“I will leave no stone unturned to stop this pandemic,” he said. In the end there was a call to wear a mask: the mask is the simplest means of stopping the spread of the corona virus. News of a vaccine’s success doesn’t change that.

“It doesn’t matter who you voted for,” Biden said: Tens of thousands of lives could be saved if Americans wore masks. “Please, please wear a mask.” The mask is not a political statement.

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The US media reported that Biden’s team is also planning a series of rulings on other areas of policy that the president intends to sign immediately after he is sworn in. Among other things, he wants to overturn some of Trump’s strict immigration rules and achieve a return to the international climate protection agreement in Paris, the “New York Times” reported.
