Joe Biden gives the anti-Trump


First Donald Trump, now Joe Biden: The Democratic presidential nominee visits the riot-ravaged city of Kenosha and does everything differently from the president.

Two months before the US presidential election, challenger Joe Biden showed how fundamentally different from the current Donald Trump wants to deal with America’s crises.

The Democrat took advantage of his visit to the violent fighting-plagued city of Kenosha, where a police officer shot a black man in the back seven times to create a contrast. The operation sparked protests and riots in Kenosha, as well as widespread outrage across the country.

Unlike Trump, Biden met with the family of victim Jacob Blake. They talked for an hour and a half, away from the cameras. According to the family’s lawyer, the severely injured 29-year-old was connected by phone from the hospital.

Biden: Trump legitimizes “hate and racism”

Afterward, Biden spoke to local residents at a church and promised that he would fight for full black equality. Trump, however, according to Biden, would “legitimize hate and racism” by making statements.

Biden’s visit was eagerly awaited after Trump visited the site last Tuesday. It was the Democrat’s first trip to the beleaguered state of Wisconsin, which Trump narrowly won in 2016 and could play a pivotal role in the November election. In addition to the crown and the economic crisis, the theme of protests and violent clashes shapes the electoral campaign.

While Trump now emphasizes “law and order” and sides with the police, Biden repeatedly underscored his goal Thursday of wanting the nation to be one. In addition to the different messages on this, the challenger also established a visual contrast with Trump. Unlike the president, he wore a mask as required by local crown guidelines.

During his visit to Kenosha, Trump had spoken with representatives of the police and with people who actually … or just supposedly – were affected by the violent clashes. He trudged through the chaos with them. Trump didn’t even mention Jacob Blakes’s name during his three-hour visit.

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Instead, the president used his appearance to side with the police and speak out against the protest, which is directed against police violence and racism. Trump wants to take advantage of the riots of recent weeks in several American citiesto warn of the consequences of a possible Biden victory.

Different view of the issue of racism

Their argument: Just as police violence against blacks leads to many peaceful protests and violence in cities ruled by Democrats, it would soon seem like the whole country if Biden won.

During his appearance, Trump had denied that there was systematic racism in the country. Biden, in turn, promised in his appearance at Grace Lutheran Church that he would fight “institutional racism.” In a poll released Wednesday, three-quarters of Americans said racism was a big problem in America. But Biden also knew that he had to expressly condemn the violence of the protesters. “There is no justification for looting and arson,” he said at the church.

Trump is further behind Biden in the polls. Multiple polls suggest the race is approaching again in major states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Kenosha herself is in a contested constituency that Trump won in 2016 with just 255 votes.
