Jens Spahn: Villa in Berlin-Dahlem cost 4.125 million euros


Health Minister Jens Spahn is increasingly criticized. Now he has to accept a setback in a supposedly private matter: apparently, Spahn no longer wants to take action against the media reporting on the purchase price of his villa in Berlin-Dahlem in the future.

According to information from SPIEGEL, the property is said to cost 4.125 million euros. The property register of the Schöneberg District Court is said to have officially confirmed the amount on demand. The “Tagesspiegel” reported on it first.

Spahn had obtained court orders against various outlets, according to which the exact amount could not be declared publicly. But the pressure for transparency increased.

The problem: financing

The problem started in the summer of 2020. Journalists from Springer’s online portal “Business Insider” reported that Spahn and her husband Daniel Funke had bought a villa in Berlin’s elegant Dahlem district in July. The “dream monument in best location” (broker advertisement) comprises 285 square meters of living space on a 1,317 square meter property.

The million dollar deal got really troubled by financing: Most of the loans for the purchase of the Berlin property were apparently provided by Sparkasse Westmünsterland, of all places. There, Spahn, the local member of the Bundestag, sat on the administrative board from 2009 to 2015. Did these old relationships bring you special loan terms?

Rather than dispel suspicion and reveal the details of the contract, he took legal action against the reports and, among other things, prohibited a court from publishing the exact purchase price of the villa.

That is the end now. In a letter, Spahn’s lawyers declared according to the “Tagesspiegel” the “waiver of rights” to a corresponding decision of the Hamburg Regional Court. It is questionable whether the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court would have allowed Spahn’s claims.

However, Spahn’s real estate business should not be quiet. Shortly before Christmas, reporters for “Stern” and “Tagesspiegel” followed suit and made two more controversial real estate purchases by Spahn.

Icon: The mirror
