Jens Spahn Swears Germans To “Months Of Restrictions” Over Crown Crisis


It will be a difficult November for most of the people in Germany. That’s what current infection numbers and resulting action from the federal and state governments suggest. Now, the Federal Minister of Health once again makes clear without a doubt the type of effort facing the country.

Immediately before the November partial shutdown, Jens Spahn swore to the Germans “months of restrictions and resignation” in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

Even if public life resumes in a few weeks, severe restrictions could threaten again. “No one can rule out that it does not happen again at some point in the sequence,” the CDU politician said Sunday night in the ZDF “heute-journal.” Germany is in a “situation of the century” due to the Crown crisis.

Starting this Monday, restaurants, culture and leisure facilities across the country will be largely closed for at least four weeks. Much stricter rules also apply to face-to-face meetings.

Spahn said fighting the pandemic required a “national effort” in November. There is a slowdown month to reduce contacts and protect each other from infection. “Yes, I know it is very difficult,” he said.

But in view of the rapid increase in the number of infections, it is not possible without additional government action. Regarding the criticism of both gastronomy and culture and hospitality, he said that even the best hygiene concept does not reduce the risk to zero.

Spahn, who suffers from Covid-19, said he was personally fine; has been symptom free for days. You don’t know where it got infected. Like him, hundreds of thousands in Germany are currently in quarantine. He thanked everyone who stayed home to protect others.

Whether the infection figures rise again after the partial blockade “depends on all of us,” he emphasized. If the rules expire after November, it doesn’t mean that “everyone can have fun again.”

Almost 300 million masks are said to go to the care industry.

According to a media report, Spahn also wants to ship 290 million federal action masks to nursing homes and outpatient services. The facilities will receive 1000 high-quality FFP2 masks and 2000 simple surgical masks each, reports the press of the Funke media group (Monday).

The masks were purchased in the first phase of the pandemic. “The successful procurement efforts open up a scope, which I would like to use to support the care centers specifically and additionally with the supply of protective masks,” the newspapers quote from a letter from Spahn to the care centers.

Icon: The mirror
