Jens Spahn: Corona disease makes him “humble”


Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn has a different view of the pandemic through his own corona disease. The experience made him “humble,” the CDU politician said in a telephone interview on WDR. He’s fine himself, he’s only got mild cold symptoms. The minister said he considered the work of his local health department to be professional and calm. Spahn is currently in home quarantine.

The Federal Minister of Health also defended the tough measures against the pandemic agreed by the federal and state governments in late November. It was a difficult time for those affected, but contacts had to be reduced, said the CDU politician. The number of infections rose again rapidly, especially among the elderly. “I don’t want to wait until the intensive care units are overcrowded,” he said. “If they are overcrowded, it is too late.”

The federal and state governments decided on Wednesday the most drastic measures since the great spring shutdown. Starting Monday, restaurants, cinemas and theaters, among other things, will close for the entire month of November. Only a few people can meet privately during this time.

A look at neighboring countries like Belgium or the Netherlands shows that the number of infections could also disappear. Germany has a good chance of arriving at the right time to fight the pandemic, Spahn said.

There has never been a pandemic in such an interconnected world. In their fight, mistakes will inevitably be made, said the Münsterland politician. These errors must be discussed. But he is disturbed by the relentlessness and severity with which it is often argued.

On the WDR broadcast, Spahn answered questions from the audience for half an hour. The questions concerned, for example, local public transport, where distances are often difficult to maintain. Spahn said that in addition to the mask, the corona warning app also helps. You can make a difference. “The minister had to discourage a member of a skating group. Currently it is not possible to hold meetings with members of three households. Participants should try to organize their Skat meetings digitally in the coming weeks.

Icon: The mirror
