Jens Spahn comments on corona vaccination strategy


Not all is going well with the corona vaccination campaign in Germany. Therefore, Health Minister Spahn must also listen to criticism from the SPD coalition partner. Now it is declared in the Bundestag.

Two good weeks after the start of corona vaccines in Germany, Health Minister Jens Spahn made a government statement in the Bundestag on Wednesday. Recently, coalition partner SPD criticized very few vaccine orders.

Follow Spahn’s explanation on the live ticker and above on the live stream.

2:05 pm: At this point we end the live ticker of the government statement and the subsequent debate. Thanks for your attention.

1.59 pm: The leader of the left-wing parliamentary group, Amira Mohamed Ali, asks Spahn when the vaccination campaign will finally stop shaking. Instead, the minister transfers responsibility to the federal states. The main problem is that vaccines are missing. And it is a scandal that the profit interests of corporations obviously take precedence over the protection of patients.

1:48 pm: Lindner says the situation with the death rate is oppressive. But his party’s proposals to expand testing capabilities and issue FFP2 masks have long been ignored by the federal government. The leader of the FDP also supports the proposal of the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder, to discuss mandatory vaccination for medical personnel.

1:42 pm: The FDP parliamentary group and party leader Christian Lindner accuses the federal government of having stumbled on the start of vaccination. Anyone who only points to Brussels should also be able to answer why the German Council Presidency no longer managed to procure vaccines in the second quarter.

1:37 pm: Bas sees positive signs after a two-week vaccination campaign. The SPD politician says there were practically no side effects where there was vaccination. Willingness to vaccinate increases.

1.33 pm: The vice chairman of the SPD parliamentary group, Bärbel Bas, also defends the path of the procurement of vaccines in Europe. At the same time, however, he asked whether everything possible had been done to make the start of vaccination at the end of September a success. Things are going well in some federal states, but not in others. The common goal should be for things to go well everywhere.

1:29 pm: Sebastian Munzenmaier of the AfD accuses the federal government of failure. “The list of things we must forgive them is getting longer.” An entire country would be paralyzed, hundreds of thousands of livelihoods would be economically destroyed. Now the request for sufficient vaccination doses has also been spoiled.

1:25 pm: Spahn ends his speech with an appeal: “Trust is the highest good in this pandemic. If we all do our part, we will continue to care for one another.”

1:23 pm: Spahn continues to ask citizens to be patient with the pandemic. The measures are tough and life-changing, for example in schools and families. “But: We have to trust each other completely under stress.” This is the only way to overcome the pandemic, Spahn said.

1:21 pm: Cities and municipalities have built a working and expanding vaccination infrastructure, explains Jens Spahn. But the strategy will only work if enough people are vaccinated.

1:18 pm: “Starting today, in summer, we can offer a vaccine to all German citizens,” explains the CDU politician. It promises that the situation will be noticeably better in the second quarter than it is today.

1:16 pm: “Could some processes have worked better? Sure,” says Spahn. “But we learn from experience and do better what we can do better. But the fact that the vaccine is a rare commodity in the whole world cannot be changed. That is why we must continue to ask the population for patience.”

1:13 pm: Going alone, Spahn said, would have brought no benefit if some large countries with vaccines had continued to fight the virus, while other small countries had continued to suffer.

1:09 pm: Spahn defends the European way in the acquisition of vaccines. “Yes, it is correct to act in a European way,” says the minister. “We are rolling up our sleeves together so that the pandemic is no longer terrifying.”

1:05 pm: At first, Spahn drew up a resume of last year, in which politicians had to make great considerations about the impact of the pandemic. The fact that the vaccination campaign started in this country at the end of 2020 was also a German success.

1:03 pm: Health Minister Spahn appears

13 o’clock: The President of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU), opens the Bundestag session.

In vaccination centers in Germany there is sometimes anger at the organization of vaccination appointments. Spahn defended the procedure with a joint order and periodic approval of the vaccines in the EU. The CDU politician emphasized in advance that the start of the vaccination campaign was a success, despite all the justified advice on better processes. There are now two approved vaccines that can be used in Germany.
