Jan. 6 Session of Congress: Eleven Republican Senators Refuse to Confirm Biden’s Election Victory


United States election Congress session on January 6

Eleven Republican senators do not want to confirm Biden’s electoral victory

| Reading time: 2 minutes

Police violence, crown, presidential election – that was in 2020 in the US.

In the United States in 2020, as in the rest of the world, almost everything revolved around Corona. In no other country have so many people died from the virus as here. But that did not affect the presidential elections.

There has not been such a broad attempt to overturn the outcome of an American election since the Civil War. When the results of the presidential election are formally confirmed in Congress next week, Republican senators intend to object.

meIf Republican senators plan to oppose the final confirmation of the results of the US presidential elections in Congress next week. The group, led by Ted Cruz, issued a joint statement calling for the results to be scrutinized in various states for possible voter fraud.

Earlier, Republican Senator Josh Hawley and several of his fellow House parties announced that they would oppose certification of the electorate results.

For this certification, generally a mere formal act, both houses of congress will meet on Wednesday. They count the votes of the individual states and officially announce the result.

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The Republican objection will not change the fact that President-elect Joe Biden is sworn in on January 20. Yet it is the most comprehensive attempt since the Civil War to reverse an electoral result in the United States. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has asked his fellow party members to accept the defeat of President Donald Trump and confirm the electoral vote.

Outgoing President Trump falsely claims there was massive election fraud. Numerous courts, including the Supreme Court, have dismissed supporters’ claims in recent weeks.

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Cruz and his associates said Saturday they would vote against certain voters if Congress did not immediately establish an electoral commission to investigate the fraud allegations. They focus on those states where Trump has made his unfounded allegations of fraud.

Biden won the election on November 3 with 306 of 232 voters. Trump was the first US president in nearly 30 years to run for reelection and lose.
