Jair Bolsonaro: WHO encourages children to masturbation and homosexuality – politics abroad


After the President of the United States, Donald Trump (73), the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro (65), is now also settling accounts with the World Health Organization (WHO), with completely twisted theses!

In a Facebook post that was later removed, Bolsonaro said the WHO encourages young children to homosexuality and masturbation: “This is the World Health Organization, and some people think I should follow the coronavirus recommendations.”

Previously, Bolsonaro’s adviser, Arthur Weintraub, had tweeted that the WHO recommendations stated that “children between the ages of 0 and 4 taught about ‘masturbation’, ‘satisfaction and pleasure’, ‘touching their own body’ and ‘ideology of genre ‘”It should be. “Is that correct?” Weintraub asked rhetorically.

Weintraub and Bolsonaro apparently used the framework concept “Standards for Sex Education in Europe” published in 2010 by the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) as the basis for the claims. It provides recommendations to experts, political decision-makers and educational and health institutions for sexual education for children and adolescents.

The rules state that sexual curiosity is also normal in children. However, there are no recommendations for the behaviors described by Weintraub and Bolsonaro in the concept.

Bolsonaro downplayed Corona Danger

Bolsonaro’s attacks on the WHO may be linked to his highly controversial stance on the treatment of the coronavirus pandemic.

Brazil’s radical right-wing leader continues to minimize the dangers posed by the corona virus and is against exit restrictions imposed by the governors of Brazilian states. It also rejects the guidelines for social distancing recommended by the WHO.

Contrary to Bolsonaro’s wish for the economic stagnation to end as soon as possible, the governor of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Wilson Witzel (52), extended the applicable exit restrictions due to the pandemic until May 11. Schools, universities and cultural centers will also remain closed.

Brazil is the most severely affected by the crown pandemic in South America. According to official figures, more than 5,000 people died from the effects of a corona infection, and the number of infections is more than 70,000. However, experts assume that the number of unreported cases is high due to a lack of evidence.
