“It would destroy everything”: Kretschmer: Will not give away an Easter holiday in Germany


“I would destroy everything”
Kretschmer: There will be no Easter holidays in Germany

The federal and state governments are stalking relief from the corona pandemic. But the Prime Minister of Saxony, Kretschmer, is now nipping too much hope in the bud. The restrictions will be massive until Easter.

Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer rules out the possibility of vacationing in Germany during the Easter holidays. “I am in favor of telling the truth. Unfortunately, this year there can be no Easter holidays in Germany,” he told “Bild am Sonntag”. “Too much mobility, for example through travel and tourism in April, is poison. We would destroy everything that we have achieved since mid-December.” The Easter holidays fall this year in early April.

Overlooking Saxony, the 45-year-old announced that restaurants and hotels “have to be closed” during the holidays. Operations in opera houses and theaters can only be resumed after Easter at the earliest.

The head of government is also emphatically sober when it comes to the openings of schools and nurseries starting next week. “There are no guarantees this will work, but it is important to try,” he said. “We will see in early March what effects the opening of nurseries and primary schools will have.” Elementary schools and nurseries open tomorrow Monday.

The CDU politician expressed harsh criticism of the harsh disbursements of economic aid. “It is a disaster, because the nerves are to the limit”, said looking at the companies that waited. “Payments are too late. If small businesses have to wait two months for their money, that’s not right.” For companies that have been closed since the end of last year, it is now partly about “sheer survival.”
