Isn’t Corona our biggest problem? Virologist Drosten warns of the serious consequences of the measures


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How does Germany control the second crown wave? Christian Drosten is looking for answers to this question in the new episode of his NDR podcast.

  • The second wave of Coronavirus * in Germany it continues to roll.
  • Christian drosten recommends your audience in the new episode NDR-Podcasts mostly a measure.
  • Am “Coronavirus update” advises the Virology back to a contact diary.

Berlin: the second wave of the novel Coronavirus* SARS-CoV-2 is in Germany still on the rise. This is how the person in charge registered Health authorities at the end of last week more than 4000 daily New infections with the Coronavirus. The federal and state governments are now trying to do this with stricter measures. Infection process to keep under control.

Christian Drosten warns: the cohesion of the population is “more and more in danger”

Find a difficult job Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten from Berliner Charity. Of the Virology speaks in the current episode of Podcasts, which he records together with his colleague Sandra Ciesek for the NDR, also on how to deal with the increase Case numbers *. “It is very difficult for politicians to find the right decisions,” says the 48-year-old. With regard to accommodation bans for tourists in Germany, the Virologythat there would be many conflicts if the federal states acted in an uncoordinated manner.

“So some start in the Advertising get upset about it and others begin to describe what will actually happen. In other words, the general public no longer understands the meaning of these measures and that cohesion, which we absolutely need, is increasingly in danger ”, he warns. Drosten insistently. Just this cohesion Germany It went through the first wave so well.

Drosten on “Coronavirus Update” (NDR): Rising Infections Is Not a Slip

According to Christian drosten The increasing number of infections last week is not a simple slip, but part of the development that Germany will experience in the coming weeks. That in parts of the population still lack of understanding of stricter activities explains the Virology with the fact that the problem is still very little visible to society. We just don’t have a high reset mortality. We still don’t have a complete one The intensive care unitas is already the case in other countries, “says Drosten.

Christian Drosten: Recommendations for the Second Wave: AHA Rules and Contact Journal

During the next few weeks and months, the virologist recommends observing the classic AHA rules. distance, Hygiene Y Everyday mask also leading one again Contact diary. Drosten demands that society begin reverting to active subplot mode. With a contact diary in which you enter situations in which you did not feel comfortable, for example, because too many people do not have distance found in a room, but not only make it easier to discover The chain of infection*.

By reflecting on the day’s encounters every day, each citizen can become aware of the need to recognize such situations and avoid them the next time. Also, serve such a thing Contact diary also as a reminder. Should Symptoms occurs, the diary can be used to better assess whether it increases risk of infection was exposed. (fd) * is part of the Ippen-Digital publisher network

Header list image: © Christophe Gateau / dpa
