Is Corona weakening? Everyone should know these three factors


COVID-19 pandemic

Is Corona really weakening? Three facts under control

The death rate from corona is decreasing, the number of infections is increasing. Is Corona weakening? We show why three factors are important.

Corona: when to talk about a second wave

Concern about the second wave is growing: Covid-19 infections have risen significantly again since August. The RKI describes the development as “very worrying”.

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Berlin / Paris / Madrid.

  • The number of corona infections is increasing in many countries, but the death rate remains at a lower level.
  • That was different with the first wave earlier in the year.
  • Therefore, it is disputed whether Corona has weakened. Is this statement true?
  • Three factors provide a better description to clarify this question.

There are two curves with which pandemic at the end of this summer: the number of New infections remembered today in many European countries, especially in Spain and France, the first would be Crown-Welle.

Also in Germany the number of new cases is on the rise again. the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) The last time a positive corona test was recorded in 24 hours was in 1892.

At the same time, travel advisories to the Czech capital were issued. Prague and expanded four new regions in France, including the Mediterranean island Corsica. Swiss Cantons of Geneva and Vaud they are now also considered risk areas. Read here:
These countries are corona risk areas

Corona: is the virus weakening?

But although the number of new infections is increasing, the number of Deceased comparatively low in some parts of Europe. Media: Corona no longer kills as often as at the start of the pandemic. But why is that? There are three important factors to know now.

1. Fewer deaths: are other population groups infected today?

Example Spain: The country is currently the most affected in Europe with more than half a million confirmed cases of corona. Daily they are currently around 9,000 new corona infections registered – upward trend.

  • However, unlike the peak of the epidemic in March and April, most of those affected have only mild or even mild symptoms. no symptoms.
  • About seven percent of those infected must be treated in the hospital. During the first wave in March and April, every second she had to go to the hospital.
  • Consequently, the number of deaths is now much lower as well. At the moment, there are between 34 and 50 deaths every day, much less than in the spring, when there were as many as 900 deaths on some days.
