Is China planning an attack on Taiwan?


The US Department of State Department of Economic Affairs, Keith Krach, met with Prime Minister Su Tseng-chang in Taiwan on September 18.
Image: AFP

The United States’ relationship with Taiwan is growing closer. Washington is now planning new arms sales to Taipei, infuriating China. Beijing is hardening its threatening gestures towards the island.

CHina flexed her muscles on Friday. Two bombers and 16 fighter jets crossed the so-called center line over the Taiwan Strait early in the morning and entered the Taiwan-declared air defense zone from four directions. It was an unkind greeting to the American Keith Krach, head of economic affairs at the State Department. Krach arrived in Taiwan on Thursday for a multi-day visit. From the Chinese point of view, this is an affront. Because since 1979, when the United States severed diplomatic relations with Taiwan, no such high-ranking State Department employee has set foot on the island. American Health Minister Alex Azar was there recently. In New York, the US ambassador to the UN demonstratively met the Taiwanese representative there for lunch, calling it “historic.” China sees this as an attempt to diplomatically improve Taiwan through a “salami tactic” and, according to Beijing, to encourage steps toward independence.

Friederike Böge

Krach’s trip also sends a clear signal to Beijing that the American will attend a ceremony honoring the recently deceased former President Lee Teng-hui. He is considered a “separatist” in Beijing because he promoted an independent identity for the islanders as Taiwanese rather than Chinese. The Chinese Ministry of Defense carried out military exercises with target practice off the coast of Taiwan on Friday. A spokesman threatened the Taiwanese government: “If you play with fire, you will die in it.”
