Is Amazon leaving the crown crisis with sustainable growth?


Uninterrupted demand: A courier service delivers packages from Amazon in New York City.
Image: Reuters

The trading platform offers clients the most important things in Corona’s time and expands their market shares. But growth also poses problems. It is still unclear what online retail will look like after the crisis.

Wyou have to stay home, order online, so far so understandable. However, not all online retailers are automatically among the winners of the virus crisis. This was demonstrated on Monday by a consumer survey conducted by online trade association BEVH: According to this, sales from online sales in March fell almost 20 percent compared to the same month last year.

Bastian Benrath

Roland Lindner

While people order fewer goods overall, there is much higher demand for products that seem important in the crisis. Therefore, some types of products have increased significantly, for example, groceries, pharmacy items, hardware items, and medications ordered online. Sales of the latter grew by almost 90 percent compared to March 2019, food sales by 56 percent. Fashion sales, on the other hand, otherwise the product group with the highest online sales, dropped from € 854 million to just € 552 million.
