Instead of 4.69 euros today for free: this professional application helps you to execute the training


Run GPS Trainer UV Pro for free

Marcel Laser - profile picture
Reading time: 1 minute

If you don’t want to lose your shape due to the current situation, then the currently free “Run GPS Trainer UV Pro” app is the right one. The fitness app tracks your workload and otherwise costs almost € 5.00! But is it worth the download?

Running GPS Trainer UV Pro supports you while running and compiling extensive reports.

Running GPS Trainer UV Pro supports you while running and compiling extensive reports. (Source: Thomas Henne / Play Store)

The developers continue to offer their paid apps and mobile games in the respective app stores. Most of the time, however, they only do this for a very short time. However, if you keep your eyes open, you can save a lot of money. Android users can download the “Run GPS Trainer UV Pro” fitness app for free.

In Free instead of 4.69 euros

However, the exercise app is not a pure exercise program. Run GPS Trainer UV Pro is a running tracker for friends that not only measures your running route, but also offers many additional features. The Android app helps you create training plans, reports on successful training and offers professional features like exporting GPS data.

Android apps currently available for free

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The functions of the fitness app at a glance

  • Training planning: create, save, load training plans
  • Possible synchronization with
  • Detailed training report
  • Training session comparisons.
  • Calorie Assessments
  • Weekly and monthly data analysis.
  • Geodata export (GPX, KML, CSV)

The application usually costs around 4.69 euros. Now you can download it for free. There’s also another free version of Run GPS Trainer UV Pro, but it doesn’t have the features mentioned in the overview. Otherwise, they would have to be activated for a fee. With the download mentioned here, you can get the pro version of the app completely free of charge.

Is the download worth it? If you jog a lot or even play around with the idea to get started, you can use Run GPS Trainer UV Pro to download an extraordinarily well-equipped helper for your Android smartphone. The range of functions is high and can help you control your training data. Once downloaded for free, you can even use the app again at any time for free.

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