Infections on the rise: Berlin teachers oppose going back to face-to-face teaching – Berlin


Increasing incidence figures in Germany and the planned return to classroom teaching are causing considerable unrest among school workers in Berlin.

Surveys by at least two district staffing committees showed Monday that more than 80 percent of teachers and educators turned away classes in the classroom whenever vaccines could not be offered to everyone. A member of the district committee of the educational staff in Tempelhof-Schöneberg reported this to the Tagesspiegel.

The results in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg were similar. A spokesman for the education and science union (GEW) confirmed on request that there were “big concerns.” The cessation of Astrazeneca vaccines would have exacerbated concerns.

The concerns are particularly focused on two dates: On the one hand, the Senate has decided that grades 10-13 will begin alternate classes from March 17. On the other hand, Education Senator Sandra Scheeres (SPD) has suggested that as of March 22, students from seventh to ninth grade receive face-to-face offers. Scheeres intends to take this proposal to the Senate on Tuesday.

The senator explained last week that “first of all it should be about social contacts”, “about meeting the teacher again and talking about how you are, what will happen after the Easter holidays.” How often this happens before Easter can be determined by the school itself, but at least once.

“Subject to the appearance of infection”

A good number of employees, but also parents, spoke of the predictable “Corona parties” in schools, especially since almost all students will receive self-assessments on the dates mentioned: The tests have only been confirmed for grades 11-13 with effect righ now.

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For 10th graders, the Senate initially declared that they could only expect self-assessments starting March 24. In light of growing unrest among employees, a spokesman for the education administration announced Monday that tenth graders “are on it as soon as possible.”

At the end of the week, “there should probably be another big delivery of rapid tests to schools.” After all, not all students come to school on Wednesday.

It is not clear how high the number of infections is among schoolchildren and employees. The figures are currently being processed, administration spokesman Martin Klesmann said. In the nearly 18,000 rapid tests conducted by school staff in the past week, “only twelve people tested positive.” PCR tests are still pending. All opening scenarios are “of course, as always emphasized, subject to the onset of infection.”

Now educators should get vaccinated with Astrazeneca, actually

So far no rejection of the opening plans is expected from coalition partners in the Senate on Tuesday. The Greens had already given their approval. For the left, education expert Regina Kittler said they could “accept” the opening, as schools in grades 7 through 9 could decide autonomously on scope.

A meeting in the open air is also possible. However, all students should have self-assessments available in advance, Kittler said. The MEP called the Astrazeneca problems a “disaster” given that vaccinations of educators and teachers with the vaccine had only just begun.
