Infection Protection Act in the Bundestag: politicians under pressure – irritation on visitors


On the sidelines of the Corona rally, people are said to have come to the Bundestag. There they harassed politicians and apparently tried to enter the offices. Noisy ARD capital study they were registered as visitors by AfD parliamentarians.

The day of the vote on the amended Infection Protection Act in the Bundestag and Bundesrat was accompanied by massive protests from opponents of the law. Visitors to the Bundestag who had entered the building despite the suspension of the visitor rule by the President of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble, were particularly irritating.

Neck: “I’m stunned”

The deputy leader of the SPD parliamentary group, Katja Mast, tweeted: “People who entered the Bundestag clandestinely have tried, among other things, to break into the offices of individual MPs. I am astonished. Prevent freely elected MPs from voting and harass them. it is the latter. The goal: to undermine democracy. “

A video posted on Twitter also shows a woman speaking to Economy Minister Peter Altmaier in a Bundestag corridor and recording him with a cell phone camera. The woman talks to Altmaier and says, among other things, apparently about the minister: “He has no conscience.” Altmaier responds that he represents his voters. “It can manifest itself, but my conscience is clear.” Other media publish a photo of Altmaier, to whom a woman speaks and films in front of an elevator.

Kuhle: Meeting in front of the plenary hall

FDP MP Konstantin Kuhle told the dpa news agency that he had met the same woman in front of the plenary hall. You asked him how he wanted to vote. He was not expecting a meeting at the moment and moved on.

The woman had a guest ID on her jacket, like the one visitors get who have been registered by parliamentary groups or individual parliamentarians. “This shows symptomatically that our democracy only works if you play by the rules,” said Kuhle, who also wrote on Twitter that people “had been smuggled in” and were harassing MPs.

Kuhle said that ARD capital study: “You have to say that this is a new quality of disregard for our parliamentary rules. That has to be addressed very clearly and clearly opposed.”

Film shows conversation with AfD MP Hemmelgarn

Through a live broadcast from the Udo Hemmelgarn (AfD) office, you can see a group of people with the camera on and meet other trafficked visitors. In a film distributed on YouTube you can hear: “What office are you here for again? (Mumbling) Are you here through Hansjörg Müller? Yes (can be heard clearly)”.

Müller also belongs to the AfD parliamentary group. In the afternoon, the crowd celebrated him on a Spree bridge overlooking the Bundestag for calling for more action against “a mafia government” that had passed an “enabling law” on behalf of large corporations.

Registration through parliamentary offices

Compared to the ARD capital study Udo Hemmelgarn confirmed that the ideological conspiracy journalist Thorsten Schulte had been registered as a guest in the Reichstag building next to his office. However, it was clearly agreed not to take pictures except with members of the AfD. He didn’t stick with it.

Hemmelgarn does not want to invite other people. The woman in Altmaier’s video is said to have had access to the Bundestag through Petr Bystron’s office, according to AfD circles. The member of the AfD of the Bundestag Bystron enters this opposite ARD capital study No.

Earlier, the parliamentary managing director of the AfD parliamentary group, Bernd Baumann, said that his parliamentary group had no evidence that AfD members had smuggled unauthorized persons.

Council of elders advises on consequences

According to the Bundestag press office, it is currently checking which visitors have been admitted to the buildings. Tomorrow, the council of elders wants to deal with it and determine who the rioters were invited and what consequences are possible, according to the SPD parliamentary group.

According to the ARD capital studies The Bundestag visitor service allows guests to enter the Bundestag building by registering by email up to 24 hours prior to arrival. The name, date of birth and address, as well as the person to be visited in the Bundestag, must be indicated.

Violation of crown measures: demo dissolved

The police broke up a demonstration of opponents of the Infection Protection Act in central Berlin in the afternoon after the corona measures were not observed. There were injuries and almost 200 people were temporarily detained.

With information from Angela Tesch, ARD capital studio

B5 reported on this issue on November 18, 2020 at 7:32 pm
