Infected at school ?: Berlin teacher dies after corona infection – Berlin


The obituary notice on Facebook is full of compassion. “Our school community mourns the loss of our valuable colleague, who left us too soon,” is written alongside the photo of the deceased teacher. The name of the school is not mentioned in the advertisement, but according to information from Tagesspiegel it is the Carl von Ossietzky Community School in Kreuzberg.

The cause of death could make this tragic case a peculiarity: the pedagogue, the name is known by the Tagesspiegel, died of a corona infection. He should not have had any previous illnesses, and it is possible that he was infected at his school.

At least that’s what Gökhan Akgün, president of the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district of the Union for Education and Science (GEW) believes. He wrote on Twitter: “Our colleague died as a result of a corona infection. The infection most likely occurred during service! The teacher himself is said to have told his colleagues shortly after his positive test that he was infected at school.

There is no one hundred percent proof of this, the entire district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg is an access point to the crown. But for Akgün, due to the general circumstances, it is “sure that only the school can be the source of infection.”

In a class in which the pedagogue taught, there were several cases of corona among the students, and at least one other member of the teaching staff tested positive. Until December 16, when all schools were closed, the “red” warning level, the highest corona warning level, was in effect at the school for weeks. A mourning room was installed at the school.

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The educator was quarantined on November 10. According to information from the Daily Mirror, five days later he showed typical corona symptoms and was admitted to the hospital. He died there on Thursday.

Indictment of the Senate Administration

Akgün criticized the Senate Education Administration in connection with the death. “We want the Senate Administration to stop declaring that the risk of contagion in schools is very low. As an employer, the Senate Administration must ensure that students and teaching staff have a safe job, and therefore must take appropriate action, ”he says.

One of Akgün’s central demands is that “the Senate Administration implement the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute for schools.”

[Behalten Sie den Überblick: Corona in Ihrem Kiez. In unseren Tagesspiegel-Bezirksnewslettern berichten wir über die Krise und die Auswirkungen auf Ihren Bezirk. Kostenlos und kompakt:]

Based on an incidence of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a week, the institute recommends that all schools in the affected area require the use of a mask in class, even in primary schools. In addition, learning groups must be reduced in size so that distance rules can be enforced. However, at the national level and also in Berlin, the measures will only be implemented after an incidence of 200.

Senate administration refers to hygiene advisory board

Martin Klesmann, a spokesman for the Senate Education Administration, rejected Akgün’s accusations. “We never said that schools were risk-free. That is why it is our main task to establish standards with which risk is minimized ”.

He referred to the hygiene advisory council, which had been specially created to determine these measures. “This body includes representatives from the health authorities, schools and parents, as well as representatives from the GEW,” Klesmann said. In addition, Berlin presented the warning level plan with the different colors.

There is controversy among scientists about the magnitude of the risk in schools. Patrick Larscheid, a physician from Reinickendorf, stated in October: “Schools remain safe for children. They are not places where infections are transmitted. If there were infections there, they were brought in from outside ”. Shortly before the school closed completely, the number of infected people in schools decreased slightly. On December 15, 988 students who tested positive and 371 faculty members were officially enrolled.
