Increase in the number of infections in the EU: curfew, contact limits, home office


France, Spain and Italy: The number of new corona infections in Europe is increasing rapidly. Governments are trying to counter development with stricter measures. An overview of the situation.


With more than 13,498 new cases in 24 hours, the Ministry of Health reports a new record since the pandemic began. Marseille, Bordeaux, Paris, Nice and Toulouse tightened the measures. Health authorities asked Paris residents to refrain from private gatherings of more than 10 people, such as birthday parties and gatherings with family and friends. Also in public spaces, parties and gatherings with more than ten participants should be avoided or notified to the authorities in advance.

For the first time since the end of the strict curfew in May, the number of deaths in France rose again. They have risen by 26 to a total of 31,274 since March.


Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he had been warning of a second wave for several weeks “and now we see it coming.” Health Secretary Matt Hancock noted that the number of Covid 19 patients in British hospitals is currently doubling every eight days. He told the BBC: “We want to avoid a national blockade, but we are prepared for it.”

In much of the northeast of England, new contact restrictions were already imposed on Friday. The rules will be extended to Liverpool and other areas in north-west and central England on Tuesday. British Home Affairs Minister Priti Patel called for police to be alerted when people do not respect contact restrictions. Instead of 30, only six people are allowed to meet. Britain is the country with the most fatalities in Europe with 42,000 deaths per crown.


Spain is the country most affected by the pandemic in Europe. This week the mark of 600,000 confirmed infections was surpassed. In the Spanish capital, Madrid, about a third of all new infections are currently recorded and drastic restrictions on exit have been imposed. In several neighborhoods, residents can only drop them if they go to work or the doctor or bring children to school.


According to the ministry, the number of infected people in Italy has risen steadily on average over the past six weeks, even if the country does not currently have the number of cases as high as Spain or France, for example. However, the number of new coronavirus infections on Friday was 1907, the highest value since early May. More recently, there were an increased number of cases of new infections on May 1, 1965. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Italy has a total of 294,932 infected people and 35,668 deaths after infection.

In Italy, which was particularly affected by the February pandemic, fears are growing of an uncontrolled increase in the numbers. The reopening of schools on Monday after a six-month break also contributes to this.


Ireland has exceeded the infection rate of 50 cases per 100,000 people. For this reason, the country ordered a quarantine for trips from the holiday destinations Greece and Italy. Now only passengers from Germany, Cyprus, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, Latvia or Poland can enter the island without obstacles.

The capital, Dublin, has by far the highest number of new infections. On Friday, the government tightened the crown’s measures for the second time this week. Residents of the capital can only cross the Dublin district borders for three weeks for work or other important reasons. Outdoor meetings are limited to 15 people.


The Greek government announced that it would close cinemas and concert halls again due to the increasing number of cases, especially in the Athens region. Also, people should go back to working more and more in the home office.


Poland has registered more new corona cases than ever since the start of the pandemic. Authorities registered 1,002 new infections in 24 hours, according to the Warsaw Ministry of Health. With 149 cases, the focus was on Little Poland in the south of the country, but the region around Lublin in the east (122) and Pomerania (96) were also severely affected. The previous record, set on August 21, was 903 new infections.

A spokesman for the Health Ministry said there were no major local outbreaks. “The values ​​we see now are the result of people returning to normal everyday life and work. It’s about what we see on the streets: more people, more contacts.”

According to official information, 78,330 people have been infected in Poland so far. 2,282 people died in connection with the virus.


In Lithuania, the number of new corona infections has also reached a record high. According to the national health authority in Vilnius, 99 positive tests were recorded on Friday, the largest increase in new cases in a day since the outbreak of the pandemic. Lithuania, with its nearly three million residents, has so far recorded a total of 3,664 confirmed infections and 87 coronavirus-related deaths.


Denmark had the highest daily value of new corona infections since the start of the pandemic. According to figures from the Danish health institute SSI, 589 new infections with the corona virus have been confirmed since the previous day. However, the figures are difficult to compare with those of the first high phase of the Corona crisis in the spring, because in Denmark, as in many other countries, many more are being tested for Corona today.

The government is trying to counter this with numerous restrictions: among other things, restaurants and bars across the country must close at 10 p.m. Mouth and nose protection must also be worn on bars. The maximum number of participants in the meetings has again been reduced to 50. A total of around 22,000 corona cases have been confirmed in Denmark since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, so far 635 infected people have died.

Inforadio reported on this issue on September 19, 2020 at 8:03 am
