Incident in Berlin: car crashes into the door of the Chancellery


In Berlin, a car with political messages knocked on the door of the Chancellery. This resulted in minor property damage. The driver is after ARD-Information about a confused man.

In Berlin, a vehicle collided with the door of the Federal Chancellery. That’s what the police said. The motive of the driver is still unclear, it is being investigated in “all directions”. According to information from ARD the driver is a mentally confused man. No explosives or weapons were found. The same car was driven in front of the Foreign Ministry in February 2014.

Police and firefighters were on the scene. Police announced via Twitter that the driver had been arrested.

It is not yet clear if the people were injured in the action. The car couldn’t have been very fast – the vehicle and door were only slightly damaged, he said ARD-Correspondent Martin Schmidt to tagesschau24. From what he could see, the driver had no intention of going through the door, but wanted to send a symbolic message.

A government spokesman said the Chancellor and Foreign Ministry employees were at no time in danger.

Label the car

According to the license plate, the car is registered in the Lippe district of North Rhine-Westphalia. There were white markings on the sides of the vehicle. On one side it was written, “Stop the policy of globalization”, on the other, “Damn children and old men, murderers.” According to information from the newspaper “BZ”, the car was also stained with letters during the similar campaign in 2014. At that time it said “End climate change that kills humans” and “Nicole, I love you.”

Federal and state governments decide on corona measures

The incident occurred during the current session of the federal cabinet. This usually meets on Wednesdays at the Chancellery. Chancellor Merkel is also holding a video conference today with representatives of the federal and state governments to decide on an extension of the crown lockdown and other steps to combat the pandemic.

Driving is not allowed in the access area of ​​the Federal Chancellery. This is indicated by a sign. Only cyclists can continue driving. There is a door in front of the Chancellery that can sink into the ground and is usually open.
