In theory, could you forgive yourself?


14. November 2020-11: 44 Clock

How could things continue for Trump after the presidency?

Following Donald Trump’s departure from the White House, numerous lawsuits await him: for fraud, tax evasion and sexual assault. So it is time for the President of the United States to consider forgiving himself. A mind game.

Note: This article first appeared at this point on

Is “fighting on all fronts” looming for Donald Trump?

If the courts have also confirmed the result of the presidential election, Donald Trump’s time in the White House is over. What follows will be “a fight on all fronts” for him, as the stern author Andreas Albes writes about the future of the (still) president of the United States. Because he and his company face numerous lawsuits and investigations. It deals with your company’s gigantic debts and losses, allegations of fraud and tax evasion, as well as potential sexual assault lawsuits and inheritance disputes. Bottom line: The chance of Donald Trump spending his retirement relaxing on golf courses in Florida is pretty slim.

Current information and news about the US elections – on our live indicator

With electoral defeat, Trump loses immunity

While the network laughs at Donald Trump with hilarious tweets and posts after the US election, Donald Trump is still clinging to the White House. And until January 20, Trump will also remain the president of the United States and as such is largely immune from legal misrepresentation, as well as being able to forgive anything and anyone, including himself. At least Trump had given it exactly on Twitter twice. . The conservative Washington newspaper “The Hill” has now addressed the question of whether this is really true (presumably) and what consequences it might have for him (uncertain).

Every president of the United States has granted dozens of pardons

According to author Jeffrey Crouch, every president of the United States has the right to grant pardons at his or her discretion. Which is used often and with great pleasure, especially when the term ends. Bill Clinton, for example, forgave his brother Roger, the two Bush Presidents, George HW, and George W.’s political confidant, but most heads of state use their right to avoid unusually high or excessively harsh sentences. So far, Donald Trump has released his former partner Roger Stone from prison. Among other things, he was sentenced to 40 months in prison following Trump’s affair with Russia.

That’s what the people of New York think

Following the departure of Donald Trump from the White House, numerous lawsuits await him: for fraud, tax evasion and sexual assault. So, it’s time for the President of the United States to consider forgiveness himself. A mind game. And you can find out what the people of New York think about it in the video.

Self-pardon is not included in the U.S. Constitution.

But the US constitution says nothing about whether an American president can forgive himself. Which basically means that it is neither explicitly allowed nor explicitly prohibited. Many American constitutional lawyers mostly interpret such loopholes as permissions, although “there is no example so far that an American president has ever tried to forgive himself,” writes Jeffrey Crouch, an expert on the practice of pardon in the United States . . In this context, however, it points to a Supreme Court ruling, according to which the auto pardon is equivalent to the admission of guilt, which can have undesirable consequences for a president of the United States.

Consider: self-forgiveness would be an admission of guilt

Because admitting misconduct would give Congress the ultimate argument for impeachment, and so would parliamentarians interested in such impeachment. However, this scenario is considered unlikely after Trump’s latest attempt to topple his office failed ten months ago. And even more so if Trump leaves office in January. However, Trump won’t want to give himself a chance for this nudity alone.

Additionally, there are other ways Donald Trump can evade legal prosecution. So he could step down before his term ends and let Vice President Mike Pence take over. He in turn forgives his predecessor and they will both leave the White House next year.

By the way, forgiving himself before the corresponding judgments have been rendered would be just a stroke of the pen: Trump could draft, anticipate and sign a pardon for any criminal, even himself.

Sources: CNN, DPA, “The Hill”, Donald Trump on Twitter
