In memory of NSU victim, Enver Şimşek: “It’s painful!”


About 20 years ago, on September 9, 2000, florist Enver Şimşek was shot dead by the right-wing extremist terrorist cell National Socialist Underground (NSU) and died two days later from his serious injuries. Enver Şimşek was the NSU’s first murder victim. The “Bündnis Nazistopp” had now called a demonstration under the slogan “And we still demand clarification.” According to the organizers, more than 300 people participated in the commemoration.

Son speaks on the scene

Abduklerkim Şimşek, son of the murdered florist Enver Şimşek, also spoke at the rally in what was then the crime scene in Nuremberg-Langwasser. Obviously, it was not easy for him to stand where his father was shot.

“It has been 20 years since my father died. It is an oppressive feeling to be here, to be here and to know that 20 years ago my father was helpless and seriously injured in his truck for hours. It depresses me and it’s painful. “Abdulkerkim Şimşek, son of NSU victim Enver Şimşek

Abdulkerim Şimşek was 13 years old when his father was assassinated by far-right terrorists from the NSU. There have been many moments in her life when she missed her father and longed for him, Abdulkerim Şimşek said.

“It wasn’t enough that I lost my father …”

Police investigations into his father and his family also left traces. Investigators claimed after the murder that Enver Şimşek was shot due to an argument in the drug scene.

“Eleven years full of uncertainty and suspicions against the family. It is said that he was a drug dealer. It was not enough that he lost my father. He was also suspected. Eleven years have formed me and my family” . Abduklerkim Şimşek, son of NSU victim Enver Şimşek

Investigators claimed after the murder that Enver Şimşek was shot due to an argument in the drug scene. The crime was only cleared up after the far-right terror cell was discovered in 2011. However, many issues were also not cleared up in the process.

The court assumed that the NSU consisted of three people, the trio Beate Zschäpe, Uwe Mundlos and Uwe Böhnhardt. Abdulkerim Şimşek does not believe in this version. Like many other experts, he also considers the NSU to be a network.

“To this day we do not know why our father was killed. It was no coincidence. And the trial was also a great disappointment. Except for Beate Zschäpe, all the defendants are free. The Nazis applauded when the verdict”. Abduklerkim Şimşek, son of NSU victim Enver Şimşek

Abduklerkim Şimşek has lost confidence in the state

Because of this, he no longer has any trust in the state. Seda Başay-Yıldız also attended the rally. The Frankfurt lawyer represented the family in the NSU trial and is currently being massively attacked with threatening letters signed “NSU 2.0”. Başay-Yıldız also criticized the actions of the authorities following the murder of Enver Şimşek.

“Not even two days after the murder, were the survivors’ phones heard. Police officers asked the neighborhood and friends: How did Ms. laimşek react to the death of her husband? How long was she crying?” Seda Başay-Yıldız, lawyer for the Şimşek family

Investigators also showed the widow photographs of a blonde woman and claimed that her husband had led to this “extramarital affair” and that he would have two children with her. The story was made up, Enver Şimşek didn’t even know the woman in the photo.

More events in Nuremberg

In the coming days there will be more memorial events for the victims of NSU and Enver Şimşek. Next Wednesday will mark the 20th anniversary of the assassination attempt on Enver Verimşek. At 5 pm there will be another commemoration event at the crime scene on Liegnitzerstraße. Subsequently, the film “Footprints: the victims of the NSU” will be screened in the documentation center of the former Nazi party compound.

NSU murdered ten people

In 2007, right-wing NSU terrorists had killed nine migrants and a German policewoman. Five of the victims were killed in Bavaria, three of them in Nuremberg. In addition, various bomb attacks and assaults across the country are considered acts of the NSU. In 1999, the terrorist group carried out its first racially motivated bomb attack in a Nuremberg bar. The operator was seriously injured and survived.
