In Berlin there is already talk of the “hot wine line”


Panorama Advent in the pandemic

In Berlin there is already talk of the “hot wine line”

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Infection figures in Saxony soar

The number of corona infections in Saxony is increasing rapidly. Therefore, the cabinet advises tightening the measures, following the example of Bavaria. In Saxony, among other things, mulled wine to go could be prohibited.

They are found outdoors, but often form crowds: In a winter without Christmas markets, many citizens of Germany buy mulled wine to go. In some places, politicians want to take action against him.

METERCrowds of people should be avoided this Advent because of Corona; however, long lines and groups are currently forming in front of mulled wine stands in many cities. Bars and restaurateurs use a loophole and offer mulled wine to go. A good alternative to the largely canceled Christmas markets?

According to a survey by the opinion research institute YouGov, more than half of adults in Germany (53 percent) missed them on the second weekend of Advent, women more often than men (56 percent versus 48 percent). Despite this, health experts aren’t very enthusiastic about mulled wine to go. And the first cities want to take action against the sale.

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) called for more solidarity. “It cannot be that some are responsible for the mulled wine and others for the intensive care unit,” he said Sunday in RTL’s annual review “2020! People, images, emotions ”. While some “stood at the mulled wine stand with 40 or 50 men,” the nurses worked twenty-four hours at the same time and gave “everything so that people could survive.”

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The rude course of Bavarian crown

In Cologne, SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach stood out as a prominent critic. “The mulled wine stands undermine our contact restrictions. I don’t understand why the city of Cologne allows this, ”he wrote on Twitter. “In the end, that costs newly infected and dead people. There will be time for that later when we are vaccinated. “

He also related how he saw people without distance or mask, but with hot wine or beer. In Cologne it is forbidden to drink alcohol in public places between 10 pm and 6 am Sales are also prohibited during this time.

Trends in Advent 2020

In Berlin, 25 stalls are open in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf to replace the failed Christmas markets. There is also mulled wine to go.

Source: dpa / Fabian Sommer

Compliance with the rules is in everyone’s interest, so the city does not want to be everywhere at all times, but is based on the perception of citizens and also on the responsibility of the operators of the mulled wine stands a city spokesman said. But he also said there could be more penalties.

In parts of Hamburg’s Schanzenviertel, Ottensens and Winterhude, mulled wine will no longer be served to-go in the afternoon. The regulation will enter into force on Tuesday and will initially apply until January 5 every day between 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.

Baden-Württemberg bans outdoor drinking

The Baden-Wuerttemberg state government wants to ban outdoor alcohol service, especially given the large number of mulled wine stands in the state. Health Minister Manne Lucha (Greens) announced in Stuttgart on Tuesday that a national alcohol ban will be included in the next Crown regulation. Municipalities should implement this from the third advent.

In Berlin, the media already calls some streets, especially in Prenzlauer Berg, “mulled wine line”. Regulatory authorities now want to take action against over-advertising. Some cities, including Lüneburg and Leipzig, have already banned the sale of drinks or alcohol at stalls.
