Implementation of corona measures: “We do not enter private apartments”


During the partial closure, the police will not suddenly control the private apartments. The head of the Chancellery, Braun, and several state governments made this clear. There must be “clear controls” in public spaces.

A partial lockdown in Germany begins Monday to slow the spread of the corona virus. All citizens are called to comply with the measures, but what powers do the authorities have?

Chancellery Minister Helge Braun has rejected controls in the private sector. “There are no proactive controls in the private sector, but very clear controls in the public sector,” he said on Bavarian radio. “Everybody has to stick to the rules very, very consistently.”

Quit in November, hope in December

Braun appealed to the population: “In November, private visits should be avoided if possible.” But he raised hopes for December: “We cannot promise all kinds of normality from December 1, but normality that makes culture possible again, that makes Christmas business possible again and that our personal encounters with friends and family will return to life. be at Christmas. makes it possible, that’s our stated goal. “

Söder: “More serious than in spring”

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder said in a government statement at the Bavarian state parliament in Munich on the status of the crown in Germany. “It is more serious than spring.” Patience, good humor, optimism and, above all, consideration are now necessary. Some did not understand the seriousness of the situation.

He also said that in public areas the police would, of course, check if the mask requirement was met. “Of course not in the apartment.” No changes are planned. “I can expressly say that there is also no call to provide information,” said the head of the CSU in his government statement on the crown crisis in the Bavarian state parliament.

The Bavarian government had already announced on Thursday that the police would have no new powers to control contact restrictions. Rather, it is about how to react to the reports of others in the event that public order is disturbed. At the same time, as they are already doing now, the police can act in case of obvious violations of protection against infection and, for example, dissolve forbidden parts, even in private apartments.

NRW Home Secretary: Do not enter private apartments

Also in North Rhine-Westphalia, according to Interior Minister Herbert Reul, the police will insist on the implementation of the new Corona rules, but in accordance with their compliance, they will not search private apartments. “We don’t go into private apartments,” Reul says. The exceptions are circumstances such as domestic violence, which make intervention necessary. The police will intervene in public spaces if the rules are not followed. There will also be joint patrols by law enforcement offices and the police.

Lauterbach’s debate broke out

The debate over the controls in private rooms was triggered in particular by statements by SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach. Even before the new resolutions were known, he had also addressed crown checks in private apartments, and was criticized for this. Meanwhile, Lauterbach makes it clear: “Of course, the ‘inviolability of the apartment’ according to article 13 applies. I also do not question this. But we must not allow private parties with 30 people to be held when the pubs close early in the closing” .

According to article 13, paragraph 1, of the Basic Law, the home is inviolable. However, article 13 (7) allows restrictions: searches can be ordered by court order in case of imminent danger, as well as by other bodies provided for by law. Interventions and restrictions can be carried out to avoid a “common danger” or mortal danger for individual persons, relying on a law also to prevent urgent dangers to public safety and order, in particular to remedy the shortage of space, combat risk epidemics or protect young people at risk.
