Impeachment Scheme Against Trump: Indictment: Inciting Riot


The US Democratic resolution to impeachment against Trump contains the only count of “inciting a riot.” More and more Republicans are also turning their backs on Trump.

Democrats in the United States House of Representatives want to start a new impeachment process against the president-elect of the United States, Donald Trump, on Monday. As Democrat James Clyburn told CNN, the only charge in the draft resolution was “incitement to riot.” Democrats accuse the president of feeding his supporters at a rally before storming the Capitol last Wednesday. Five people were killed in the riots, including a police officer.

Ban on future offices?

In addition to impeachment, the draft resolution also provides for Trump’s ban in future government offices. This is an important point for Democrats: this would deny him a possible candidacy in 2024.

A vote in plenary on opening proceedings could take place on Tuesday or Wednesday, Clyburn said. An approval in the House of Representatives is considered likely, as Democrats have a majority here. But Speaker of Parliament Nancy Pelosi may not be able to present the motion to the United States Senate until much later, the second house of Congress, in which Republicans still have a majority. “It will decide when is the right time to refer the matter to the Senate,” Clyburn said.

Another Republican walks away

Criticism of the president is also increasing among Trump’s Republicans: two Republican senators are now calling for his resignation. More recently, Pennsylvania MP Pat Toomey urged his party mate to resign. On Saturday, Toomey had already told Fox News that Trump had committed “indictable crimes.” He did not say whether he would vote to remove the president in the event of a Senate trial. On Sunday he made his resignation public.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski had previously publicly broken up with Trump. And Republican Senator Ben Sasse said he would “definitely consider” impeachment.

“Because right now?”

Still, many Republicans who turn their backs on their president have to ask a question: why now? On Fox News TV, Trump’s former chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, answered the question this way. “Everyone recognizes that Wednesday’s events are a turning point. When people criticize Trump, I can generally defend him, it’s political differences or differences in style. But Wednesday was different. That got to the heart of what it means to be one. American “.

Impeachment almost impossible

Trump would be the first president in history to face impeachment twice. He was found guilty of the Ukraine affair a year ago, but was not removed from office thanks to a majority of Republicans in the Senate.

Trump will automatically step down with the swearing in of his Democratic successor Joe Biden on January 20. Even if the House of Representatives decided to launch an impeachment process this week, a decision in the Senate, in which it was directed, would be virtually impossible before January 20.

With information from Torsten Teichmann, ARD-Studio Washington

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on January 10, 2021 at 8:00 pm
