Illegal request: Trump calls for double elections


Donald Trump urges his supporters in North Carolina to vote twice in the US elections. You want to test the voting system with him. The problem: the request is illegal.

US President Donald Trump has encouraged the people of North Carolina to vote twice, once by mail and once in person, in the US presidential election in November. According to Trump, this is used to check if his first vote has been counted.

The problem: this procedure is illegal in the US, each eligible voter only has one vote. It is also a crime in North Carolina for a person to commit fraud by intentionally double registering or double voting. It is also a crime to induce people to vote illegally in an electoral or area code.

Trump wants nothing to do with it in North Carolina. “You have to review the absentee vote by voting again,” the US president told local news channel WECT. His idea: if voters counted the vote by mail, then their votes would have to be blocked for physical voting. “When the system is as good as her [die Demokraten, Anmerkung der Redaktion] if you say so, you can’t vote in person, ”Trump said. That is why he urges people to send their ballot and go to the polls, this is to test the state electoral system.

Trump’s proposal could create confusion

With the double vote, Donald Trump wants to encourage people to test the electoral system.  (Source: AP / dpa)With the double vote, Donald Trump wants to encourage people to test the electoral system. (Source: AP / dpa)

Trump’s proposal has legal and political implications. “Every state has mechanisms to ensure that a voter cannot cast a vote by mail or a personal vote,” said Richard Pildes, CNN’s electoral law analyst and professor at New York University School of Law. “If your absentee ballot has not yet been received and you appear in person to vote, your personal vote will be counted and your absentee vote will be rejected. However, if your absentee vote is already recorded, you will be prompted to cast a ballot. This ballot will not be counted once it has been confirmed that your postal ballot has been received. ” From Pildes’s point of view, Donald Trump’s proposal will cause enormous confusion.

The Minister of Justice has no idea

But that could be exactly the intention behind it, at least thinks Rick Hasen, a professor of law and political science at the University of California-Irvine. “It appears that he proposed a double vote to test the integrity of the system or to ensure that his constituents can cast at least one vote for him,” Hasen told CNN. Is that a fraudulent intention? It could be because Trump seems to assume that the electoral examiners would not necessarily notice the double vote of his supporters. “

United States Attorney General Barr was asked for a comment on Trump’s words a little later in a live interview on CNN. “It seems to me that he is trying to point out that the ways of monitoring the system are not good. And that you will be caught trying to vote a second time if it works well,” Barr said. When asked that it would be illegal to try to vote twice, Barr said, “I don’t know what the law is like in this particular state.”
