If you have to wait a long time: Söder ensures that you are ready to get vaccinated


With a long wait
Söder cares about vaccination

At the beginning of the vaccination campaign, a good 150,000 doses of the Biontech vaccine are available. Too little, says CSU boss Markus Söder. If people had to wait too long, their willingness to participate would decrease.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder calls for more speed in the production of corona vaccines. Unfortunately, there are not enough vaccines available yet. “The orders from the federal government are sufficient, but production takes time. That is why it is important to increase all capacities for the production of the vaccine ”, said the head of the CSU. The endless wait also reduces the population’s willingness to get vaccinated. “The vaccination logistics are in place, all you need is the vaccine. The federal government supplies the states and then everything is vaccinated.”

All other measures depend on the amount of vaccine available, Söder stressed. “The more vaccine, the more freedom. The less, the longer the restrictions.” Nationwide, the first vaccinations should begin on Sunday. Söder was concerned about the coronavirus mutation first discovered in Britain. “Hopefully the vaccine will also work against the mutated virus,” he said. “That has to be proven quickly.” The virus variant had also recently been detected in Germany. Biontech boss Ugur Sahin recently stated that he considered effectiveness highly likely. The Pfizer / Biontech vaccine has already been tested for 20 other mutations.

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn was surprised by the early unauthorized start of vaccination in the Harz district. A spokesman for the CDU politician told “Bild am Sonntag” that the minister wished Edith K., 101, who was vaccinated for the first time at a nursing home in Halberstedt, “all the best” and was happy with she. “However, we had agreed with all the EU partner countries and with the 16 federal states to deliver everyone on Saturday and start vaccinations together from Sunday.”
