“If Trump still has Covid, we shouldn’t have a debate”


reUS presidential candidate Joe Biden only wants to participate in the second television duel with President Donald Trump if his rival is no longer infected with the corona virus. In any case, “very strict guidelines” must be followed. “I am eager to discuss with him, but I just hope that all regulations are followed,” Biden told reporters on Tuesday. “If you still have Covid, we shouldn’t have a debate,” the former vice president added. The guidelines of the US health authority CDC establish that those infected with corona are quarantined at home for at least ten days from the onset of symptoms. If the disease is severe, infected people must stay home for 20 days.

Trump and Biden fought a chaotic television duel last Tuesday, in which the president incessantly interrupted his Democratic rival. Two days later, the headline tested positive for the corona virus and was admitted to a military hospital on Friday. Biden, who could theoretically have been infected during the television match, subsequently tested negative. The White House and Trump’s personal physician Sean Conley are refusing to provide information on when the president last had a negative coronavirus test.

On Monday, Trump had been released from the hospital after three days of treatment. Although the president is likely to remain contagious, he wants to resume the election campaign as soon as possible. Trump also wants to hang on to the second television matchup with Biden planned for next week. “I look forward to the debate on Thursday night, October 15, in Miami,” Trump wrote Tuesday on the Twitter online service. “It’s going to be fantastic!” Said his personal physician Conley: “Overall, he’s still doing very well.”

Another Trump adviser infected with coronavirus

At the same time, the list of confidantes of the American president infected with the coronavirus is getting longer. President Stephen Miller’s adviser also tested positive Tuesday, Trump’s spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany said on Fox News. “It is obvious that there was an outbreak in the White House,” she admitted. In recent days, a coronavirus infection had also been found in McEnany and several other Trump confidants. Senior generals, including Chief of Staff Mark Milley, work from home because they may have been exposed to the coronavirus in a meeting.

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Miller’s infection could also raise questions about Vice President Mike Pence’s upcoming television debate with rival candidate Kamala Harris. His wife, Katie Miller, a spokeswoman for Pence, flew with the vice president to Salt Lake City, where the debate will take place Wednesday night. According to US media reports, her test Tuesday was negative, but she left Salt Lake City anyway. In the televised debate, the opponents will be separated by Plexiglas.
