If the R value does not decrease: Lauterbach expects local stops


In view of the increasing number of corona cases in Germany, there are more and more warning voices from politics. SPD health expert Lauterbach warns of local closures. Because it could soon threaten a situation in which clinics and health authorities reach their limits.

Karl Lauterbach, an SPD health expert, counts on the behavior of people in the fight against the corona virus, less with the containment measures. “It will depend on how the population behaves. That is more important than individual measures. Anyway, many conditions are difficult to control,” the doctor said in the newspapers of the Funke media group.

If the corona virus continues to spread that fast, Lauterbach expects local closures in Germany. “It’s very simple. The R-value is around 1.3. If we don’t decrease it, the daily number of cases will increase so fast in a very short time that clinics and health authorities will be invaded. Then there will be local closures.” The reproductive number, also known as the R-value, indicates how many other people an infected person infects. According to the Robert Koch Institute management report on Saturday night, the R value was 1.4.

Early Sunday morning, the Robert Koch Institute reported 5,587 new corona infections in Germany, a week earlier there were 3,483 new cases. A high of 7830 was reached on Saturday for the third time in a row. The number of registered cases is usually lower on Sundays and Mondays, also because not all health authorities transmit data to the RKI on weekends.

Merkel: “Every day counts now”

Chancellor Angela Merkel called on people on Saturday to limit social contacts and travel less in light of the growing number of corona infections. “Now we have to do everything we can to ensure that the virus does not spread uncontrollably. Every day now counts,” CDU policy said in its weekly video message.

The CDU’s policy received support for its appeal from Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder. The head of the CSU told the newspaper “Bild”: “The situation is serious. If we do not take countermeasures quickly, Corona will get out of control. Anyone who doubts risks a second blockade. Prudence, caution and solidarity have never been been as important as now. ” The criticism came from FDP leader Christian Lindner, telling the newspaper: “If the chancellor sees such a drama, she should immediately send a statement from the government. A podcast does not replace the debate in the Bundestag when it comes to fundamental rights.”

The leader of the SPD, Norbert Walter-Borjans, called on the younger generation to be more circumspect and supportive. We have to say very unequivocally to this generation, that it is an important warning in our society on many ethical issues such as climate protection or international conflicts: this is not just about you, but your behavior also puts people in danger. others, especially the weakest. “Walter-Borjans told the” Spiegel “. At the same time, he emphasized that” bad character should not be attributed to a whole generation. “

Kretschmer calls for the Bundeswehr

Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer calls for increased Bundeswehr support for health authorities in the fight against the corona virus. “We are in the exponential phase,” said the CDU politician of the daily “Bild”. “We have to hope that the number of new infections will double every three or four days. This pushes the health authorities to the limit in the follow-up of contacts of positive cases and we can no longer interrupt the chains of contagion.” According to Kretschmer, health authorities must urgently be updated. “The Bundeswehr must be more closely involved and employees of state ministries must be seconded. The police must help regulatory agencies monitor the measures.”

According to a survey, more than two-thirds of Germans tend to be satisfied with the crisis management of the federal government’s crown. 68 percent of respondents rated leadership in a survey conducted by the Kantar opinion research institute on behalf of “Bild am Sonntag” as “pretty good.” For 27 percent, it’s “pretty bad.” 4 percent answered “I don’t know.”

On Saturday, the Office of the Federal President announced that Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier had entered quarantine. One of his bodyguards had tested positive for the virus. A first crown test with the head of state was negative. Steinmeier will, of course, remain in quarantine, currently at his service villa in Berlin-Dahlem, he said. Steinmeier will be retested in the coming days.
