Identification on mobile phone: CSU targets “personal smartphone”


ID on the cell phone
CSU strebt “Smartphone-Lost” and

In the next exam, the CSU wants to adopt a digital paper. Among other things, it requires the simple use of an online identification card and the digitization of many administrative procedures. But tech giants like Google and Amazon are also involved.

The CSU regional group in the Bundestag wants to present a “smart person”. “We want to make using the ID card online on the Internet even easier in the future and for the ID card to be saved directly to your own smartphone,” says a draft resolution for next week’s review, which was sent to the AFP news agency. The same goes for other official documents like the driver’s license.

During the Corona crisis, the use of online identification increased by 250 percent. “We want to take advantage of this and further increase acceptance of the online identification function of ID cards,” the draft says. “In the digital world we need a digital ID. That is why we want the counterfeit-proof digital ID card that can be used on the smartphone and is recognized as an official identity document,” said CSU regional group leader, Alexander Dobrindt, the “Spiegel”.

The CSU regional group also wants to work to digitize administrative procedures as completely as possible. Frequently used services should be as easy as ordering from an online store. In the draft, the CSU also emphasizes: “The security of all applications must always be guaranteed and guaranteed.”

“He wants to tax the Internet giants”

Also, Internet companies like Google or Amazon should be forced to pay taxes. “We want to tax the Internet giants,” according to the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” in the document on digital policy. If Google and Facebook made money from personalized advertising and data from Germany, then they would have to “give something back to our community with this benefit,” the document says. “So the time has come to tax Google and Amazon.”

Germany and Europe, so the proposal of the Social Christians, must lead the way in this matter. Until now, an international solution within the framework of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has taken a long time. Therefore, “European-wide regulation for minimal taxation” is needed. The document does not contain information on a possible amount of such tax. For years, American technology companies such as Amazon or Google have been criticized time and again because, according to critics, they pay too little tax in individual markets with their business model.
