“I feel so strong”: Trump is back in the election campaign


Donald Trump is healthy again, that’s what his personal physician says, and the president of the United States does not want to leave any doubt about it. For an hour he talks to the packed Florida fans. Meanwhile, health expert Fauci continues to distance himself.

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, was celebrated by his followers in the US state of Florida when he returned to the electoral stage. “I feel so strong,” he said during his hour-long performance in Sanford, Orlando. Like the weekend, the 74-year-old emphasized that he is now immune. “I will kiss everyone in this audience. I will kiss the boys and the beautiful women (…). I will give everyone a big fat kiss.”

Florida is a potentially crucial state for the November 3 presidential election. Trump’s personal physician, Sean Conley, had previously announced that multiple rapid corona tests on “consecutive days” had been negative for the 74-year-old. In addition to the antigen tests, other laboratory data was also used to determine that the president was no longer contagious. When Trump first tested negative and how often was unclear. Conley also didn’t explain why Trump apparently was not tested with the commonly performed PCR method, which is considered more reliable compared to antigen testing.

Due to his corona infection, which became known in early October, Trump had to abruptly suspend his appearances in the election campaign at airports with the presidential plane as a backdrop on hold. He was treated for three days at a military hospital near Washington. Conley said Saturday that Trump was no longer contagious. He did not provide any information on the test results as of Monday.

Trump hints: “Biden prolongs pandemic”

Trump refrained from wearing a mask on his trip to Florida, as photos of the departure show. The Republican has rarely displayed mouth and nose protection in public since the pandemic began. His opponents criticized him as a bad example. “A normal life, that’s all we want,” Trump said in front of his supporters. He claimed that his Democratic challenger Joe Biden would end the recovery from the crisis, delay a vaccine and prolong the pandemic. Furthermore, Biden wants a “draconian and unscientific lockdown” for Florida.

In reality, Biden promises to contain the pandemic with a national strategy, following the advice of scientists and health experts to protect people. He repeatedly emphasizes the importance of masks. Biden criticized Trump on Monday not only for his handling of the pandemic as a whole. “His reckless personal behavior since his diagnosis has not been scrupulous,” Biden said during an appearance in the disputed state of Ohio. “The longer Donald Trump is president, the more ruthless he seems to be.”

Fauci defends himself against instrumentalization

Meanwhile, the feud between Trump’s campaign team and prominent American health expert Anthony Fauci continues. The immunologist made it clear on CNN that he did not want to be used to advertise Trump in the election campaign. The campaign team should no longer use a commercial for which Fauci’s statements were used without his consent and inconsistently. “I think it’s really unfortunate and really disappointing that they did that,” Fauci said. He is not a political person and has never supported a political candidate. Fauci warned that if Trump’s campaign team considers using it for more campaign publicity, it could backfire. “You are doing this against my will,” he told the Daily Beast news site. Campaign advertising is about winning votes. But self-harassment could put off some voters, suspects Fauci, who is part of the White House coronavirus task force.

The immunologist also criticized the campaign events that Trump wants to avoid this week: In the next few days, Trump will travel to Pennsylvania, Iowa, North Carolina, Georgia and again to Florida. “We know this creates problems,” Fauci said, referring to the gathering of many people without a mask, as is common in Trump appearances.

The corona pandemic is not yet under control in the US In the past seven days, an average of around 50,000 new infections were detected each day. Around 7.8 million infections with the Sars-CoV-2 pathogen have been detected since the pandemic began. More than 215,000 people died after becoming infected. Even the White House struggled with an outbreak: In addition to Trump, many other employees and guests at government headquarters tested positive.
