“I didn’t even notice the puncture. Really cool. ”- BZ Berlin


The corona vaccines have started. In Berlin, a 101-year-old boy was first vaccinated. Before that, she was nervous, Gertrud Haase admitted. But the vaccination itself was quite harmless.

Vaccination against the corona virus has started in the capital. In the presence of Health Senator Dilek Kalayci (SPD) on Sunday morning at a nursing home in Berlin-Steglitz, a 101-year-old woman was the first to receive an injection with the vaccine from the Mainz company Biontech and the giant American pharmacist Pfizer.

At 8:44 am, Ms. Haase received the prick. Immediately afterwards, two other older adults were vaccinated, who Kalayci says are also over 100 years old.

Ruth Heller, 100, is vaccinated against the coronavirus in Berlin-Steglitz (Photo: via REUTERS)
Ruth Heller, 100, is vaccinated against the coronavirus in Berlin-Steglitz (Photo: via REUTERS)

Gertrud Haase (101), who has lived in the house since the beginning of 2011, said: “I didn’t even notice the puncture. Great. She was only very nervous the days before. You heard and read that there were many deaths in other homes from the dangerous virus. Therefore, vaccination is a great advantage, said the old man. She goes for a walk every day and she will do it on Sunday too. She is fine.

You should receive the second dose of the vaccine in January.

Gertrud Haase (center), 101, is vaccinated against coronavirus by the vaccination doctor Fatmir Dalladaku (right) at the Agaplesion Bethanien Sophienhaus nursing home, a doctor is on the left (Photo: picture alliance / dpa / dpa Pool )
Gertrud Haase (center), 101, is vaccinated against coronavirus by the vaccination doctor Fatmir Dalladaku (right) at the Agaplesion Bethanien Sophienhaus nursing home, a doctor is on the left (Photo: picture alliance / dpa / dpa Pool )

The senator said at the Agaplesion Bethanien Sophienhaus nursing home: “It’s a great day.” It is also a day of hope for so many people to be vaccinated in other care centers.

In Steglitz’s home, 93 percent of the residents have declared their willingness to do so. The first shots are a sign that it is never too late for them. They could prevent serious illnesses, especially for the elderly, and a lot of suffering. “I am relieved. Everything went very well. I am glad that we can keep them away from suffering and ultimately relieve hospitals as well,” Kalayci said.

Health Senator Dilek Kalayci (left, SPD) speaks with Gertrud Haase, 101, (second from right) at the Agaplesion Bethanien Sophienhaus nursing home (Photo: dpa)
Health Senator Dilek Kalayci (left, SPD) speaks with Gertrud Haase, 101 (second from right) at the Agaplesion Bethanien Sophienhaus residence (Photo: dpa)

Happy seniors

Dana Sander (38), lieutenant and nurse from Schöneweide, prepared the vaccine (one vial contains 5 servings). To do this, the liquid must be mixed on site and then drawn into syringes.

“The older people were very grateful and happy,” says Sander. And: “I just saw the doctor again. They are sitting in the breakfast room. They are doing very well ”. You are not yet allowed to get vaccinated.

Kalayci: an exemplary start

According to the senator, the start was exemplary. The mobile vaccination team, which was deployed for the first time, “worked very well.” The SPD politician appealed to doctors to prepare their patients well in nursing homes for vaccination and to accompany them. Addressing vaccine opponents, Kalayci said they suppressed reality and played with human lives.

Health senator Dilek Kalayci (fourth from left, SPD) with the vaccination team at the Agaplesion Bethanien Sophienhaus nursing home in Berlin-Steglitz (Photo: dpa)
Health senator Dilek Kalayci (fourth from left, SPD) with the vaccination team at the Agaplesion Bethanien Sophienhaus nursing home in Berlin-Steglitz (Photo: dpa)

According to the health administration, Berlin initially received 9,750 doses of the vaccine to start with. The frozen material had only arrived on Saturday.

Police vehicles were parked in front of the facility in Steglitz on Sunday. The mobile vaccination team arrived in a van around 7.45am. A Bundeswehr soldier was at the wheel.

First, residents of Berlin’s nursing homes are vaccinated. They are considered a particularly vulnerable group. 60 mobile vaccination teams will be deployed and moved to nursing homes throughout the city. 50 vaccinations per team per day are planned. The health senator estimates that vaccinations for residents in nursing homes will last until early February. Two doses should be administered at the same time. Around 29,000 people live in nursing homes.

In the afternoon departure at the Treptow Arena.

Facility employees should be vaccinated in parallel. The largest of the six vaccination centers in Berlin will go into operation on Sunday afternoon (2pm) with 80 booths. He settled in the Treptow concert hall, where other concerts take place.

also read

► First person in Germany vaccinated against Corona – woman (101) at home received an injection

► Survey: two thirds of Germans want to get vaccinated

In Halberstadt, in Saxony-Anhalt, a 101-year-old woman had already received the vaccine on Saturday and thus frustrated political schedules. The Harz district and the house did not want to wait and began before the start of the national vaccination announced on Sunday.

According to the Berlin Association of Statutory Health Insurance Doctors, 90 doctors will work in the capital on mobile vaccination teams and at the Treptow vaccination center until December 30. It was not yet known when exactly and in what order the other five vaccination centers would start.

On Sunday morning the first vaccination buses depart from the old Tegel airport, where the mobile vaccination center is located (Photo: REUTERS)
On Sunday morning the first vaccination buses leave from the old Tegel airport, where the mobile vaccination center is located (Photo: REUTERS)

Capacities are initially limited by the amount of vaccine available. According to the health administration, the vaccine will only arrive gradually. In the new year, Berliners over 80 years old who do not live in nursing homes should be vaccinated.

According to the health administration, 1,128 people have already died in connection with Covid-19 in Berlin (as of December 26). The number of people infected during the day was 92,992. Therefore, it is considered that 72,526 people have recovered.

Vaccines have already been carried out in Brandenburg

Ruth Heise, 87, was the first Brandenburg woman to be vaccinated on Sunday at the German Red Cross (DRK) residential park for the elderly in Großräschen. Then other residents of the facility in the Oberspreewald-Lausitz district had their turn. The DRK is responsible for coordinating the appointments of the mobile vaccination teams and transporting the vaccine to the homes.

Ruth Heise receives the first crown vaccination in Brandenburg in the DRK Großräschen residential park for seniors from Dr. Elke Obst (Photo: dpa)
Ruth Heise receives the first crown vaccination in Brandenburg in the DRK Großräschen residential park for seniors from Dr. Elke Obst (Photo: dpa)

The Oberspreewald-Lausitz district is a crown hotspot in Brandenburg. The number of infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a week has been continuously above 500 for a long time.
