Donald Trump has again speculated about the manipulation of the US elections in early November. After talking about a third term in the White House, only two are allowed in the US, he now spoke about an executive order to prevent Joe Biden from being elected president in a performance in North Carolina. can be.
Literally, Trump said, “Maybe I’ll sign a decree so you don’t have him as president.” Trump also addressed the case of a voting loss. “If I lose to him (Biden), I don’t know what I’ll do. I’ll never talk to you again, you’ll never see me again.”
Trump had left open in recent weeks whether he would accept an electoral defeat. “I have to see that,” he replied in an interview.
Trump also insulted Biden as “the most stupid of all the candidates.” Trump also reiterated his accusation that Biden was artificially kept in shape on drugs. “Give him a big, thick syringe in the A **** and he’ll be fit again for two hours.”
Trump also spoke out in favor of a drug test before the first television match, which will take place in Cleveland, Ohio, on Tuesday, September 29. FoxNews broadcasts the 90 minutes.
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Trump also announced that he would like to send a woman to the Supreme Court to succeed the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The reason: “I think it should be a woman because I actually like women more than men.” Trump wants to present his candidate on Friday or Saturday.
his appearance at the North Carolina airfield marks a further hardening of campaign rhetoric. So far, however, Trump has not played this strategy very well in the polls. It spans the entire US, but is also far behind in some major states. (Teaspoonful)