Hundreds of people in India suffer from a mysterious disease


HMany people in South India suffer from a puzzling disease. According to hospitals, more than 550 residents have been treated in the city since a 45-year-old man passed away on Saturday. According to authorities, symptoms of the mysterious disease in the southern Indian state of Andra Pradesh include epileptic seizures lasting several minutes and memory loss. Sudden anxiety, headache, back pain, and vomiting have also been reported. However, many sick people recovered quickly.

While searching for the cause of a mysterious disease in South India, traces of heavy metals were found in blood samples. So far, 10 out of 550 people have been found to have high levels of lead and nickel, said the head of Eluru City State Hospital AV Mohan.

No person-to-person transmission

The hospital director, Mohan, emphasized that due to the small sample size of only ten suspect blood tests, the cause of the disease had not yet been conclusively clarified. State authorities ordered a search for possible sources of heavy metals. There are no major chemical plants in the vicinity of the affected city. Water and milk samples are also analyzed.

The New Delhi government had previously sent experts from the National Institute of Virology, the Health Authority of India and the Institute of Medical Sciences to Eluru. Among other things, they examined the food of Eluru residents, including rice and oils, so far to no avail.

Officials initially suspected possible complications with chemical additives in fertilizers, while residents pointed to problems with litter and wild domestic pigs. According to local authorities, the mysterious disease is not transmitted from person to person. On Tuesday, about 80 people were in hospitals in the city.
