How the intended Corona warning app should work – digital


On Github, SAP developers have released a first concept of the planned German tracking application. The actual app should be ready in mid-June.

The planned German application to track infection chains in the coronavirus pandemic is taking shape. On Wednesday, Europe’s largest software company SAP and Deutsche Telekom released a first concept on the open source platform Github. The tracking application is using Bluetooth technology to log into the smartphones of its users who have been close enough to be considered a risky contact. If a user later tests positive, their app contacts can be notified anonymously.

The documents now published indicate that users should also be able to find out the result of their own crown test through the app. “If a test is performed for a SARS-CoV-2 infection, the application user can initiate the digital test information process through the application and thus receive notification of the test result “, He says. However, you should only be able to be informed that a result is available, but not whether it is infected or not.

In an introduction to the project, Telekom and SAP, which are commissioned by the federal government, write that they are using the knowledge and program code of three existing projects. It is based on DP3T, TCN protocols and Apple and Google specifications for iPhone and Android smartphones. DP3T was developed by researchers at the EPFL Universities in Lausanne and ETH in Zurich, among others. The TCN Coalition joined through a federal government hackathon called #WirVsVirus.

The app should be ready in mid-June

The documents also show how roles are distributed between SAP and Telekom. Consequently, the largest software company in Europe is responsible for developing the actual application. Telekom provides network and mobile technology and is designed to keep operations safe and stable. The actual app for iOS and Android is not yet available on Github. It should be released for general download in mid-June. The companies have promised “to process only the necessary data, only in order to inform users if they have been in close contact with other already infected users, without revealing their respective identities.”

The Greens’ parliamentary group in the Bundestag, Konstantin von Notz, welcomed the publication. However, this could only be a first step towards greater transparency. The announcement to reveal the application source code “immediately” should be implemented as soon as possible.

Manuel Höferlin (FDP), chairman of the Bundestag’s Digital Agenda Committee, welcomed the fact that German knowledge will also be used to develop the application with TCN. “Now I hope that the app will be available as soon as possible. Otherwise, there will soon be tracking apps across Europe with German technology, except in Germany.” In the afternoon government poll, Höferlin formulated this point slightly differently. She asked Chancellor Merkel if the app could only be available after a shot. The chancellor’s answer: certainly not.

Meanwhile, federal interior minister Horst Seehofer spoke out against tax benefits or other benefits to persuade people to use the app. “If citizens get the impression that they are shaking the bacon, then not enough people will participate,” said the CSU politician. It is better to explain soberly that part of the measures to contain the crown pandemic could be relaxed for everyone if a large number of people used this application. Using the app should be absolutely voluntary, Seehofer emphasized. He said, “What I don’t want you to talk about is volunteering, but about so many incentives that you can’t talk about volunteering anymore.”

With dpa material
