How Germany achieved half of its e-car goal


meIt was an ambitious goal presented by the federal government in August 2009. In the “National Plan for the Development of Electromobility”, the first grand coalition of CDU / CSU and SPD stipulated that by 2020 there should be one million electric cars in Germany. “To survive in international competition, Germany must become the leading market for electromobility and affirm the leading role of science and the automotive and supplier industry,” the plan said. “Therefore, the federal government is striving to achieve the ambitious goal of having one million electric vehicles on Germany’s roads by 2020 and for major metropolitan areas to have a nationwide charging infrastructure.” just the beginning, but already the basis of a “self-supporting structure”.

Martin Gropp

Over the course of the past eleven years, the federal government has granted the goal at some point. However, an analysis of the current inventory and registration numbers from the Federal Motor Transportation Authority shows that half have already been met. If you add the newly registered cars with electric or partially electric motor in October and November to the inventory at the beginning of October this year, there are currently a good 520,000 electric passenger cars registered in Germany, of which about half are vehicles that only They are battery operated and plug-in hybrids. for delivery. The new records for December are not included in this figure, as the Federal Motor Transportation Authority will not release them until early January.

Electromobility in all areas

Had the development from the previous year continued, up to 60,000 more vehicles would have been added by the end of the year, so the end result would have been around 580,000 passenger cars. Including electrically powered motorcycles, buses, trucks and tractors, there would be almost 630,000 fully or partially powered vehicles on the roads of Germany. However, the actual number is likely to be somewhat lower because new exit and contact restrictions due to the Covid 19 pandemic will also hit the car market again in December.

In view of the total stock of almost 60 million vehicles, around 600,000 electric vehicles are still a small proportion of only 1 percent. But this year in particular, the development of electromobility has accelerated, especially in the passenger car market. At the beginning of the year, the stock of pure battery vehicles was around 137,000, and a good 102,000 plug-in hybrids were also approved. By the end of November, the number of fully electric cars had doubled to a good 274,000 vehicles, and the number of plug-in hybrids had increased two and a half times to more than 250,000.
