How did this happen ?: Police explain the incident at the Reichstag


Several hundred right-wing extremists try to break into the Reichstag on Saturday. Only the use of fewer police officers prevents the worst. Now officials are sharing new findings.

According to the police, between 300 and 400 people participated in the advance of the protesters on the steps of the Reichstag building on Saturday in Berlin. The police announced that at night on a stock. Shortly after 7 pm, many protesters moved from the Brandenburg Gate to the meadow in front of the parliament. To avoid this, the police officers gathered on the south side of the Reichstag at the corner of Scheidemannstrasse and Simsonweg.

“This phase was used by a larger group of around 300 to 400 people, overcame the barriers that had been set up and thus reached the outer stairs of the Reichstag.” More police officers reacted quickly. “Therefore, the people could not enter the Reichstag.” The crowd had been driven off the stairs. Police officers were also attacked.

The ruling mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller, announced that he would evaluate the concept of police deployment. The SPD politician announced on Twitter: “With prudence and a concept that sets clear boundaries, the police were able to prevent worse things in many places in the city. We will now assess how the concept of police deployment can be improved to respond even better to such incidents. To be prepared. “

When asked if it could have been a specifically planned action, Müller told the rbb-Abendschau: “I’m afraid there are already good networks between so-called Corona deniers, between right-wing extremists, right-wing populists, between people with very different “. Goals that want to take advantage of the situation. “And also:” He was also called on the Internet, called to assault Berlin, assault the Reichstag, death threats against the Chancellor, against the Senator of the Interior, against me. All this is no coincidence, it what happened then. “

33 policemen were injured in demonstrations against the crown policy on Saturday. 316 people were arrested. 131 people were reported for attacks on the police, resistance, release of prisoners, insults, assaults and violation of the law on weapons. In addition, the police sanctioned 255 administrative offenses.

Police did not say how many protesters were in total during the day. Only the number of tens of thousands of people in Strasse des 17. Juni was mentioned. On Saturday, Interior Senator Andreas Geisel named the number 38,000 protesters. Police said a significant number of people protested elsewhere.
