How could the opponent of the vaccine, Robert F. Kennedy, come to Berlin?


In Germany, entry from the USA is only allowed in exceptional cases due to Corona. The ideologue of the conspiracy Robert F. Kennedy came to the demonstration directly from the US and found numerous supporters.

Anyone who believes the government and state want to suppress free speech and enforce mandatory vaccinations now has a logical problem: Despite strict entry restrictions, one of the biggest opponents of vaccines was allowed to travel from the USA In the midst of the pandemic, speak at the crown rally and protest against Expanding the vaccination network.

It is about Robert F. Kennedy (66), nephew of John F. Kennedy. It came straight from California. On Thursday morning German time, he gave an interview to a pastor there, as social media posts show. Then on Friday afternoon, he appeared at the Brandenburg Gate. This is only possible if you have cheated or if an exception has been made to the entry requirements.

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“Imperative” required

Because in order to visit Germany from the US, there must currently be an “imperative”. It is unclear what the reason was with Kennedy. asked “lateral thinking” and his lawyer, but received no response. Some travelers bypass the regulation by flying first to Britain and from there to Germany. The Berlin authorities have been dealing with the question of his entry at least since Friday. He had no problems.

In Berlin, Kennedy was able to launch a European branch of his anti-vaccine lobby. A meeting with vaccine skeptics from all over Europe was scheduled. They were already gathered in Berlin for the Corona protests.

At Saturday’s show, Kennedy was on stage as a speaker. He had announced to his subscribers and fans on social media that he would speak to “the largest crowd in German history.” Several tens of thousands were on June 17th Street.

His announcement there had sparked enthusiasm among fans. He and Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, had publicly invited “lateral thinking.” Kennedy’s fanbase, including many supporters of the QAnon movement, see Kennedy as a shining light in the world of sadness, some writing that they had shed tears of happiness. For them, he is the intrepid proclaimer of repressed truths and fighter against the pharmaceutical lobby.

Kennedy family: part of a disinformation campaign

However, Kennedy does not disseminate objectively substantiated criticism of the influence of pharmaceutical companies expressed by others. He is the most prominent reinforcer of some of the crudest and most disproven theories surrounding Corona. In the Kennedy family, this turns the nephew of US President John F. Kennedy into a black sheep.

Sister, brother, and niece all declared in an open letter in 2019 that they loved him. But: “It is part of a disinformation campaign that has heartbreaking and fatal consequences.” When it comes to vaccination, he is “tragically wrong.” They blamed the misinformation it spread on the measles outbreaks in the United States. Kennedy also discredits polio vaccination: he defends the refuted thesis that it is responsible for autism.

In the crisis of the crown, Robert F. Kennedy became even more known internationally. He made the 5G cellular standard jointly responsible for the spread of SARS-Cov 2 and hinted that Bill Gates wanted to chip people for surveillance. Corona death figures around the world have been falsified to match those “for decades by Gates […] Pandemic planned “to arouse fear. On the Berlin stage, it aroused the fear that the pandemic was there to completely control the people and transfer all the wealth to a few.

Horror scenarios even before Corona

Even before the pandemic, skeptics of organized vaccination lifted spirits in Germany with grim fears. “The time has come. Germany is rising up,” reads a video from the first half of January. And furthermore: the people defended themselves against the global threat of an overwhelming pharmaceutical industry that censors the Internet and controls the media, courts and governments and wants to impose terrible new vaccination laws on people.

“Children’s Health Defense Europe” – The branch of the US anti-vaccination organization was made public on Friday. The excerpt from the video shows Robert F. Kennedy Jr. together with Martina Choy from the “Netzwerk Impfentscheid Deutschland” and Heiko Schöning, co-founder of the “Doctors for the Enlightenment”. (Source: YouTube Screenshot)

The spokesperson for the call for the then planned “big demonstration in Munich” was Martina Choy from the “Netzwerk Impfentscheid Deutschland”, and according to Kennedy she is now a member of the board of “Children’s Health Defense Europe”, the new branch of the organization of Kennedy.

He was also on the demonstration stage on Saturday with a second board member of “Children’s Health Defense Europe”, Belgian Senta Depuydt from the “European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance” (EFVV), a coordinating organization for national anti-vaccination programs. On their own account, the EFVV and “Netzwerk Impfentscheid Deutschland” only fight for the freedom to decide on immunization themselves. In fact, this means that children no longer need vaccines.

Facebook’s largest client for anti-vaccination advertising

Now Kennedy wants to connect his critical work on vaccines more closely with Europe, and in Berlin he was offered the big stage. He was accompanied by Markus Haintz from “Quer Think 731”, according to Kennedy’s lawyer, to the supposed founding act of “Children’s Health Defense Europe”. The Hamburg doctor, Heiko Schöning, picked him up at the airport in Germany.

Schöning is the founder of a group that calls himself “Doctors for the Enlightenment” and has also drawn attention to the mask requirement in relation to certificates of compliance. On the Berlin stage, he presented himself as the “suffering ombudsman” whose basic rights and health “suffer due to organized criminal deception with a relatively harmless coronavirus.”

MedWatch: “Conspiracy Theorists Showcase”

Returning to the January call for a large demonstration in Munich: the “European Forum for Vaccine Surveillance” and the “Impfentscheid Network” had to postpone this planned rally for the end of March. “Not out of concern about the coronavirus”, as stated in a rejection, but “because there is a risk that the participants will be described as irresponsible, inconsiderate, etc.”

The independent portal “MedWatch” reported in detail on a similar “grand demonstration” in Berlin in September 2019 with Martina Choy and Senta Depuydt, who had recently written critically about mandatory measles vaccination and RKI’s concerns. The conclusion of the demonstration was devastating: “‘Demonstration against vaccines'” will be a show for conspiracy theorists. “

In 2020, this will now be applied on a larger scale. Including the ideologues of the conspiracy who also do not stop the entry restrictions.
