How a hairdresser prepares for clients in the Corona crisis


“I look forward to working and clients”

Hairdresser Barbara Hoppe’s comb and scissors had to rest for weeks; From Monday, you can finally greet customers again. (Source: Reuters)

Plexiglas, disinfection, mask: the hairdresser Barbara Hoppe wants to welcome customers again with these measures from May 4. (Source: Reuters)

The comb and scissors had to rest for weeks in the “Barbara Salon” in Bonn. Starting Monday, Barbara Hoppe will be able to welcome customers again. But for that he had to change a lot.

In some industries, customers and service providers come together as much as in the hairdressing sector. The instructions to close due to the pandemic of the crown have been strict. The comb and scissors also had to rest for weeks in the Barbara Hoppe salon in Bonn. Starting May 4, you can now receive customers again. “Now they are happy to be able to return,” says the hairdresser.

In order to reopen, Barbara Hoppe had to adjust a few things in her hair salon. A face mask alone is not enough. And there’s not much room either. But the hairdresser is confident and has taken the proper precautions.

What measures, in addition to masks and disinfection, are still easily possible and how the hairdresser Barbara Hoppe looking at the next contact with the client, see above in the video or if Click here.
