Status: 08/29/2020 9:54 pm

Following the demonstrations against the crown policy, the Senator of the Interior from Berlin holds hostages in the daily topics campaigned for a clear stance towards radicalized protesters. It does not serve democracy to back down.

According to the police, around 38,000 people protested against the crown’s policy in Berlin on Saturday. 3,000 officials ensured compliance with the requirements. It was not successful everywhere. This is not surprising to the Berlin Interior Senator Andreas Geisel. He had wanted to avoid the demonstrations by imposing a ban, but had failed legally. Geisel rated violations of Corona’s requirements in the daily topics “expected”. He campaigned for a clear position and to remain a defensive democracy.

“In the context of German history, I don’t think it will serve democracy if we stoop and show no position and let it go in the interests of freedom of expression. We have to say what is right and what is wrong and what is right. for the majority in Germany Give guidance “.

Talk to the doubters

For Geisel, facing the demos in Berlin, it is clear: “Today not only have people met who criticize individual decisions, but also have doubts about our free democratic basic order and want to attack,” said the SPD politician.

From his point of view, there is hardly anything in common between the partially radicalized protesters: “Only the uncertainty in the discussion of the crown.” Geisel said a dialogue with Reich citizens and right-wing extremists was not possible. However, it is different with people who doubt. Politicians must make it clear to them how decisions are made and also explain them. This could serve to prevent conspiracy myths from arising in the first place.

Daily Topics will report on this topic on August 29, 2020 at 11:15 pm

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