Hospitals in the pandemic: fewer intensive care beds for corona patients


At first, the clinics were not properly prepared, then many beds were left empty. As a consequence, most of the federal states have reduced the places reserved for intensive care, despite the crown numbers increasing again.

Although the number of new infections in Germany is increasing, according to a newspaper report, clinics keep far fewer free beds for corona patients than at the start of the pandemic.

As the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung” writes, Baden-Württemberg decided this week that in future only ten percent of beds should be reserved instead of 35 percent. In Berlin, too, it has only been 10 percent since June, and in Lower Saxony since mid-July. In Bavaria, Saxony-Anhalt, Brandenburg and Hamburg, hospitals no longer have to keep intensive care beds free for Covid 19 patients. Only in Rhineland-Palatinate is the rate unchanged at 20 percent. According to the Ministry of Health, no changes are expected.

Medical association: the minimum fee still makes sense

Klaus Reinhardt, president of the German Medical Association, said it was “time to adjust” the number of beds reserved, but that a minimal fee would still make sense. “In principle, in view of the current infection situation, I think it is correct that around ten percent of the intensive care beds for Covid patients are kept free,” Reinhardt said. At the moment, you don’t see any significant burden despite the increasing number of infections. If there were more patients with a course again, the clinics would have enough time to increase their capacities.

The president of the professional association of German anesthetists, Götz Geldner, warned about the lack of staff in hospitals. “If there is a sharp increase in severe cases of corona, there will be bottlenecks in intensive care staff.

NDR Info reported on this issue on September 20, 2020 at 8:00 am
