Hospitals and nurseries: Hundreds on warning strike | – news


Status: 20.10.2020 12:09 pm

Hundreds of public service workers took to the streets in Hamburg on Tuesday for more wages. The ver.di union called for an all-day warning strike to increase pressure on employers in the current round of collective bargaining.

Among other things, employees of the nursery and social facilities, the Desy research center, as well as the Asklepios clinics and the University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) stopped working. Ver.di spoke of about 4,000 participants. In Hamburg’s Elbkinder kindergartens, 22 out of 189 locations remained closed. Almost a third of the educational staff of the Kindertagesstätten Burger Association have joined the strike, it said at the request of NDR 90.3. Therefore, for about every third of the 23,000 children in the nursery there was emergency care on Tuesday.

Peter Feder reports on data protection breach at H&M © NDR Photo: Screenshot

AUDIO: Warning strike in nurseries and hospitals (1 min)

Ver.di boss Frank Werneke demanded a significantly better offer from employers in front of 700 employees at the Rathausmarkt in Hamburg. Before that, there had already been a small demonstration at the Desy Research Center followed by a bicycle demonstration at City Hall. “We prefer to work, but employers force us to go out on the street,” said Ver.di spokeswoman Angelika Gericke. Due to Corona’s aggravated situation, not many employees could have participated in the rallies.

Marburger Bund support

In Hamburg Asklepios hospitals it was said that emergency patients could be sure that they would be treated. There was support for the striking caring professions from the Marburger Bund Medical Association. Its state president, Pedram Emami, said: “Applause on the balconies does not improve working conditions.” Doctors understand the concerns of nurses.

On Thursday and Friday, municipal businessmen will again negotiate with ver.di. Among other things, the union is demanding a 4.8 percent salary increase for employees, but at least 150 euros a month. On Wednesday, ver.di called employees of the Hamburg library, museums, art gallery, fair and the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) to a warning strike.

Additional Information

A sign on the metro line indicates that there is no traffic on the metro at the given time.  © NDR Photo: Stefanie Döscher

Hamburg passengers had to search for alternatives on Thursday. The warning strike on local transport lasted until midnight. (16.10.2020) more

A woman holds up a poster reading during a warning strike

The ver.di union has called on hospital trainees to go on strike. In Hamburg, about 300 followed the roll call. (13.10.2020) more

The Alster Strikers.  © NDR Photo: Anna Rüter

Hamburg hospitals and kindergartens went on strike on Monday over the wage dispute between the public sector. More than 220 nurseries from various providers were affected. (28.08.2020) more

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NDR 90.3 | NDR 90.3 current | 20.10.2020 | 14:00

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