Hospital Society Warns: Number of Intensive Care Patients Will Increase


The infection process continues to accelerate. The RKI reports 16,362 new infections, the highest value for a beginning of the week. The number of corona intensive care patients will increase, says the German Hospital Society.

The number of new coronavirus infections remains high. German health authorities reported 16,362 new cases to the Robert Koch Institute in one day.

That’s about 4,000 more cases than last Monday. At that time, the number of new infections reported was 12,332. Health authorities also reported 188 new deaths in 24 hours. Exactly a week ago this value was 147.

Seven-day incidence increases significantly

The seven-day incidence, which is critical to assessing the situation, new infections reported per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, is also increasing significantly. On Sunday it was already at a high of 169. On Monday it rose even higher to 176.4.

On Sundays and Mondays, the number of cases published by the RKI is usually lower, not least because fewer tests are performed on weekends. The previous high was reached on Friday with 29,875 new infections reported and 598 deaths.

More patients in intensive care units

The high numbers will also have an impact on the situation of hospitals. The German Hospital Society expects the number of Covid-19 patients in intensive care units to continue to rise despite the closure.

“In the next two weeks, the number of infections will initially increase again. The lockdown will only go into effect after a delay. I expect the number of Covid-19 patients in intensive care units to increase from around 4,500 to 5,000. by the end of the year, “he says. President of the German Hospital Society, Gerald Gaß, the publishing network of Germany.

Lockdown since Wednesday

Due to the persistently high level of infection, the heads of government of the federal and state governments decided to shut down Sunday, which should last from Wednesday until at least January 10. All stores, except those for daily use, must close. Presence requirement for schools is lifted, daycare centers remain closed apart from emergency care. Businesses should switch to working from home if possible.

The reduction of contacts to a maximum of five people from two households is maintained, even on New Year’s Eve. Four close relatives can only join on Christmas days from December 24-26.
