Horst Seehofer criticizes the rapid opening of the border with Austria


Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) opposes the premature resumption of travel between Germany and Austria. “As long as the virus does not go on vacation, we also have to limit our travel plans, as understandable as the wishes of people and the tourism industry,” Seehofer of the “Bild am Sonntag” (BamS) said. Infection protection specifies the schedule for possible openings.

For Interior Minister Seehofer, however, closing Germany’s external borders also has a good thing. Due to the more intensive controls, 1,696 crimes could be solved, and there were 1,423 search results. Almost 105,000 people were denied entry to Germany.

Praise be to Söder and Merkel

Seehofer expressly praised the work of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) in times of the crown pandemic. “We can be happy that in this situation we have a chancellor at the head of our country,” said the minister. Merkel is leading Germany through the crisis with great force. Apparently a possible fifth term for the chancellor is being discussed behind closed doors: “I can’t deny that I heard the idea more recently,” Seehofer said in “BamS.”

His party colleague, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder, is also doing very well.

The interior minister justified that he had been seen relatively little in public in recent weeks with his voluntary quarantine. The 70-year-old man sees himself as “doubly at risk” because of his age and previous illnesses and therefore “strictly complies with all hygiene standards.”

Icon: The Mirror
