Hopefully the AfD continues to dismantle


Jörg Meuthen intensifies the struggle for power in the AfD with a forceful blow to Gauland, Höcke & Co. It only continues like this, because the party is already sunk in the polls

A word was said in the AfD party congress that I was allowed to lose myself for many years. Until now I thought it was a monopoly of the left, which has always frantically covered itself with this expletive. When people like Jürgen Trittin still dreamed of revolution in left-wing splinter groups, when Maoists and Stalinists fought to the end for pure doctrine, they spat it out just as contemptuously as some aphidists spat at the weekend.

The sinister word is: divisive.

Aesthetically, it’s more of a shame. It is not fluid nor is it used beyond the political. But the way Alexander Gauland and the others spat the word into the microphone in a tone of utmost contempt, was charged with anger and the next step would have to be physical violence.

The tirades were aimed at Jörg Meuthen, who is not an eccentric or a notorious rebel, but quite the opposite, a right-wing bourgeois with a decent job and incendiary rhetoric. Nor is he a stranger, in fact he is one of the two leaders of this party. The truth of the accusation, however, is that it has wanted to reorganize the AfD for some time, making it an intimate enemy of the völkisch right, which in Björn Höcke worships its prophet.

You can argue about how much success Meuthen has achieved. Well officially the “wing” (also such a strange word) was dissolved, but of course it still exists, because Höcke & Co are still there and have an uninterrupted influence, as shown in Kalkar. True, Andreas Kalbitz has been banned from the AfD, but what the heck, Meuthen co-chair Tino Chrupalla differs only slightly from the Kalbitz spin-off.

Does Meuthen have some kind of right-wing CDU in mind?

Ironically, we have to wish Meuthen luck trying to get rid of the ballast. Apparently he has a right-wing CDU in mind, which might one day form a coalition government with the right-wing CDU. On the extreme right, therefore, there would be a mercenary group völkisch that would dream of a conservative revolution in the Kyffhauser.

Alexander Gauland also started out as Jörg Meuthen. Resigned from the CDU, he wanted to shake it from the right. His AfD initially used the insignia of the old CDU: national, white, German, black, red and gold of the soul. Somehow the melancholic must have been overtaken by radical age, so he lost his way. This is what happens to people who have been in the background for their entire lives and then suddenly rise to acclaimed leaders. As Meuthen reminds him of his origins, Gauland treats him in a particularly derogatory way.

Kalkar’s speech can be understood as a dialogue between Meuthen and Gauland. Meuthen mocks Gauland’s cult of Bismarck. Meuthen considers it completely inappropriate for the Bundestag to be gossiping about the “dictatorship of the Crown”, and Gauland also means by that that the party congress in Kalkar serves as a denial against stupid polemics.

Meuthen as a key witness of his own party

From now on we can cite Meuthen as key witnesses for his own party. He polemic against the preference for crazy “lateral thinkers”, “whose strange positions and views, sometimes openly anti-system, suggest that they do not even think head-on, much less real lateral thinking.” Well roar right?
Or the reprimand for the AfD members of the Bundestag who compared the Infection Protection Act to Hitler’s Enabling Act. Meuthen asks, very statesmanlike, if such comparisons are not forbidden because of “the generally known monstrosity and in this dimension also the uniqueness of Nazi barbarism.” As is well known, Gauland called Hitler’s twelve years a “bird shit” in German history.

At Kalkar, Meuthen concluded his speech with this alternative: “Either we will take the curve here, and very decisively and very soon, or we will experience great failure as a party in the distant future by no means.”

The bourgeois must remain, the ethnic must be eliminated

Yes, someone wants to have a different party than the one that became the AfD. Jörg Meuthen wants to save the bourgeoisie and eliminate folklore. Separating the lambs from the wolves, that’s how the CDU affiliate of the sprinkler system sees it. The charge that Meuthen is divisive is true, at least when one is called Gauland, Höcke, or Chrupalla.

It seems that Meuthen is not alone, but he does not have a majority behind. Perhaps that will change, their opponents run after the movement of the “lateral thinkers” and open doors and doors for them. The receipt is the decline of the AfD nationwide to seven percent. Some insecure minds are likely to ponder this. Rights beyond the CDU and CSU preferred to be dismantled in the past. It would be great if the AfD stayed true to this tradition.
