Home office: Skeptical Corona employee fired after report


Germany Lost work

The Interior Ministry rejects the analysis of the skeptical employee of the crown

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“I can’t expect everyone in a democracy to agree”

Crown-weary citizens, extremists, opponents of vaccination, and conspiracy theorists: In Berlin, Stuttgart, and other cities, thousands protested against the crown’s restrictions over the weekend, the weather warming up.

He called the crown pandemic a “false alarm”, now an employee of the Federal Interior Ministry has been released from his duties, according to a report. The dissemination of his private analysis “was not acceptable.”

DThe Federal Interior Ministry has rejected an employee’s report, in which it massively questions the strategy against the crown pandemic, as its “private opinion”. This “analysis carried out independently” was carried out outside the substantive responsibility of the author and the organizational unit in the ministry for which he worked, he said in a statement on Sunday.

The ministry criticized the ministry as “unacceptable and incompatible with general duties in the public service” that the man had distributed the multi-page document using the ministry’s letterhead and official communication channels.

Meanwhile, internal measures have been taken to ensure that the author of the letter can no longer give the inaccurate impression that he is acting for or on behalf of the Ministry, according to the statement. According to a report by “Der Spiegel”, the man was released from his duties. He sent the 80-page document internally and externally to a large distributor.

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The online portal “Tichy Insight” had reported that the man wrote in his analysis of a “false alarm”. “The new virus probably never represented a risk to the population that was beyond normal at any time,” he says. “Corona essentially kills people who statistically die this year because they have reached the end of their lives and their weakened bodies can no longer cope with any random everyday stresses (including the approximately 150 viruses currently in circulation).”

The ministry employee wrote of the measures taken: “Collateral damage is now greater than apparent benefit.”

The Interior Ministry responded on Sunday that many countries in the world and most countries in Europe had taken similar measures, some of the restrictions went beyond the applicable regulations in this country. “The infection rate in Germany so far has been quite low in international comparison. The measures taken are effective. “

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