Here, the number of cases skyrockets


The lockdown in Germany will be extended and an additional threshold will apply for districts and cities. The t-online risk radar continues to show alarming developments.

The breakwater blockade came into effect in Germany in early November. The federal government wanted to control the exponential increase in the number of infections caused by the corona pandemic. At least that worked. Politicians have reacted to the high crown numbers and introduced another threshold of 200 seven-day incidents. t-online shows in the video the development of new infections in German counties per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days. The result: the current situation is acute, the new threshold is exceeded en masse, the old of 50 new infections just below the counties.

Explanation of the 7-day incident

The 7-day incidence was introduced to identify current hot spots in the coronavirus epidemic and to better assess potential risks to the population. In contrast to the total number of cases confirmed by laboratory diagnoses, the value rather reflects the current infection rate. However, it must be assumed that not all cases will be recognized. There is also a delay in reporting, which means that the number of reported cases is generally too low. If the countermeasures are effective it can only be read from the reporting data after approximately two weeks.

For the 7-day incidence, the number of new infections is related to the population. This is important because looking at the absolute numbers would highlight the hot spots in large cities, but not in smaller communities with few inhabitants. When calculating 7-day intervals, statistical fluctuations due to weekends and holidays are at least partially absorbed.

You can see in the video animation above how the number of infections has developed in the German districts over the last ten days and what the increases look like at hotspots. You can also find the publication here.
